When do you set up your holiday decorations?
We just had Halloween last week and are getting closer to Thanksgiving, and we begin shopping and possibly decorating our living spaces for the holidays. A question that my roommates and I have been talking a lot of has been when do people set up decorations?
December 1st
People believe that holiday decorations should be put up on the first day of December. The most likely reason for this belief is that November is Thanksgiving’s month and should be only for Thanksgiving decor. The people who share this view probably also believe that Halloween decorations should only be put up in October and not in September. This reasoning reminds me of what my mom does in her classroom. My mom is a teacher at an elementary school and each month decorates her classroom with a different seasonal theme. Each month she goes into her classroom and redecorates it for the holiday that month. People who believe this would most likely do a similar thing to what my mom does in her classroom since they decorate on December 1st.
After Thanksgiving
The next view is probably the most common when it comes to holiday decorations, which is waiting until close to after Thanksgiving to decorate. I know a lot of people who hold this point of view. Normally, they complain about stores putting out Christmas decorations in November. They also say that Thanksgiving does not get the treatment it deserves since it is also a holiday.
This view tends to be what my family leans to. We tend to decorate the inside and outside of our house the weekend after Thanksgiving because my family doesn’t like to decorate our house for most other holidays so we wait to decorate until the previous holiday passes. I tend to try and get my parents and my brother to want to decorate before Thanksgiving but they all do not want to. I tend to decorate my room on an earlier date…
November 1st
The last viewpoint that I heard about while talking with others was setting up decorations on November 1st. People said that they like seeing the decorations the most and want to see them the longest. Another reason that I feel like college students say that they like to decorate this early is because they have more time to see their decorations and not feel wasteful of decor. At most colleges, students only have about two weeks between Thanksgiving Break and Winter Break. It would feel useless decorating and then packing it all up during finals and packing up to go home.
I enjoy decorating on November 1st because I like seeing Christmas decor for a longer time. Christmas is my favorite holiday so I enjoy feeling in the spirit for the season. I also am not a fan of Thanksgiving. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy giving thanks for what I have and spending time with my family, but my family’s two many traditions with Thanksgiving are eating dinner together and watching Football. Both of those activities are not what I enjoy doing, and prefer the activities with Christmas such as gift-giving, drinking hot chocolate, and going to Christmas markets.