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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

So I’ve been hearing that Pinterest is a lost art (well, app).

Personally, I have always been a “list person” since I don’t trust my memory… but I also just love the idea of staying organized for every task. Not only does Pinterest assist list-makers through board-making, but the app employs a sense of creativity through visually aesthetic imagery that you can save or ‘pin’ to any board you choose to make.

In my opinion, it’s one of the least toxic social media apps you can even find in 2023, especially since it’s tailored to you and your individual interests. For this reason, I always find myself confused and upset when someone mentions that “nobody uses Pinterest anymore” or that “Pinterest is dead.” 

If you love to envision your future, plan ahead, organize, and find new tips and tricks for literally anything, Pinterest is your go-to and still deserves all the love in 2023 that it received back in 2013! 

With that being said, here are four different board ideas to re-awaken your love for Pinterest!


Traveling isn’t for everyone, but even if you’ve never been to a beach, the mountains, or a certain city,  Pinterest will provide you with both the inspiration to travel and beautiful pictures of any place you’re dreaming about.

My ‘travel’ board is not only filled with visuals of cities, countries and islands that I hope to one day visit, but DIY/homemade to-do lists written by other avid Pinterest lovers. It’s so special to not only pin stunning photographs of places you’ve not yet visited, but to also have shared access to peoples’ personally-crafted European bucket lists, New York City destinations, and even travel bag necessities!


Okay, of course you need a college-themed board – every college student needs one! Not only have I gained inspiration for decor and a room layout, but any necessity I’ve missed I can consult the Pinterest connoisseurs. Like the ‘travel’ board, I also have checklist pins saved to my college board rather than sole visuals. These include room essentials and the most commonly forgotten items that you don’t know you need until you need it.

Another handy trait this app possesses (that others have only recently bandwagoned on) is that many of these decorations or products are linked in the photo description and/or are sold on Pinterest!


This board is essentially the blueprint to my future house, specific to every room inside!

If you contemplate your dream home and all the ways you’ll someday customize it to your own standards, this board is so beneficial! Not to be confused with the college-themed board, ‘interior’ for me encapsulates all the “adulting” decorations and knick knacks I will model my living room, master bedroom, closet, kitchen, and bathrooms after… you name it, I got it.

(Have you ever seen the pastel mini retro street lamps? Just, wow.)


I heavily suggest a career vision board.

Not only is it helpful to visualize what you want to do for work one day, but it’s just as motivating to look back on and add suggested pins that inspire you to keep pushing through the rough patches to get that degree.

When you’re mid semester and feeling that academic rut, do yourself a small favor and take a minute to check on that career board.

I’ve been adding to mine on and off for roughly a year and a half, and I’ve started to notice it began with useful tips and visuals to quite simply what I want my wardrobe to look like on the job. A healthy mix of both would perfectly compliment your ‘career’ board, unless of course your job requires a uniform, but this board is for your future vision and what you want to make of it! Think locations, job sites, tips, how-tos: you will truly find it all.

Full disclosure, these are only some of the several boards I have created in my years on Pinterest. Many of the more embarrassing ones from ten years ago have shimmied their way into my archives… and there they’ll stay.

Pinterest is that rare breed of social media that is both calming to the mind and productive. Oftentimes we view posting on Instagram, Snapchat, BeReal and more as a “chore” in the sense where everyone is watching, so we feel the post has to seem perfect. Pinterest is that platform that rules any of those negative feelings out entirely. Its low-key, stress-free, and allows users slight anonymity. Not only is Pinterest useful for organizational tips, it’s fun to create and gain inspiration from other users!

Can it get any better than that? I didn’t think so!

Angelina Stambouli

West Chester '26

Angelina is a junior Communications Major and Journalism Minor. During her freshman year of college, she served as a staff writer, associate editor, and Pinterest Director for Her Campus at Gettysburg. Outside of Her Campus, Angelina serves as Vice President of WCU College Democrats, a Copy Editor for The Quad and DEI Chair of Delta Phi Epsilon.