This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.
Let’s face it, Phoebe was the best character on Friends. She was quirky and funny and she really didn’t care what people thought of her. Everyone should be a little more like Phoebe in 2017, and here’s why.
1. She was always positive and preached goodness. After the year 2016 was, we definitely need more positivity in 2017.
2. She always tried to better herself. She didn’t have the greatest childhood so she makes the most of every opportunity to learn. She gets an education in any way she can and that kind of dedication to education is something we should all have in 2017. Â
3. She was artistic and creative. 2017 is the year to be more like Phoebe and let your creative side go wild.
4. She never failed to have confidence in herself; she knew she was great. Self love is the attitude everybody needs to take into 2017.
5. And she really didn’t care what anyone thought about her. Phoebe didn’t let other people’s opinions stop her… why should you?
6. She was perfectly honest at all times, and wouldn’t 2017 be a lot better if everyone was just incredibly honest about their feelings?
7. She really believed in true love and always knew she’d find her lobster.
8. She knew how to have fun. In a serious world when you’re bogged down by exams and deadlines, remember to be like Phoebe and always find something fun to do, before you get too old.
9. She was opinionated and principled, and she stood by those principles no matter how unique they were or what anyone told her.
And finally…
10) She was kind, caring and a great friend to everyone — this should be everyone’s new years resolution.