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11 Most Popular Women’s Pubic Hair Styles & How To Do Them

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

Body hair has long been a taboo topic, especially when it comes to women’s pubic hair styles. For some people, it’s important to have complete confidence in your hair-down-there and knowing your partner won’t run for the hills when they see it. Learning how to be unapologetic about your body hair means breaking away from the stigma surrounding it and doing what makes you comfortable, not the patriarchy.

If you want to do something different with your pubic hair but don’t know where to start, don’t fret: I polled almost 300 Western students about women’s pubic hair styles, including a mix of cis and trans women, as well as non-binary students and men. I wanted to get a full picture of the popularity of various pubic hair designs among college students, and a full picture I got. If you want ideas for how to style your pubic hair in a cute way, or if you’re simply curious about which styles are the most popular among college women, read on for everything you need to know about some of the easiest, most creative, and coolest pubic hair styles.

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Original Illustration by Megan Charles for Her Campus Media

1. The Bush

11.6% of respondents don’t want to go through the hassle of styling, so they let their locks go au naturale. More power to you! The hair around your vulva is there for a reason, so leaving it where it is is likely the best idea when it comes to your health. Plus, you won’t have to deal with ingrown hairs, razor burn, or itchy regrowing hair. Who has time to shave, anyway? Embrace the jungle; there’s just so much more to explore!

2. The Brazilian

The Brazilian means you go all bare, all over. From the belly button to the tip-top of that butt crack, there is not going to be a single hair in sight. This style is by far the most popular, with 43.1% of respondents rocking this smooth look. However, for some women, having a Brazilian is more about feeling.

“I don’t mind the look of ‘hair down there’ on me; I actually think it looks mature and sexy. That being said, I prefer the feeling of being hairless (especially waxed) because I sometimes find hair itchy or uncomfortable,” Taylor, 21, tells Her Campus.

There is a lot of pressure for women to be hairless, which causes many women to shave even if they don’t want to. It can be easy to forget that your pubic hair should look how you want it to look, not how your sexual partner demands. So if you’re planning on shelling out for a Brazilian (which can cost well over $50), make sure it’s something you really want to do.

3. The Bermuda Triangle

This look is a common go-to for a lot of women: 10.6% of respondents rock this ‘do! Not only is it easy to shape and maintain, but it’s a common style at waxing salons, making it easy to get anywhere you go. The gist is that this triangle will keep your bikini line clean while your bathing suit or panties cover the mini bush below.

Michelle*, 21, hates shaving down there and usually rocks a Bush, but notes that the Bermuda Triangle is useful for swimming. “I really only trim things if I’m going to be wearing a bathing suit,” she says. The Bermuda Triangle could be a good idea for those situations; just trim the sides!

On top of that, 5.1% prefer this look on a partner. To get your own Bermuda Triangle, remove the hair on the top and sides, and emphasize the natural triangular curve of your mons pubis. Trim it as far down as you would like, leaving enough hair to make up your triangle. You can be sure your partner will get lost down there for days!

4. The Landing Strip

The Landing Strip, made popular by Playboy models who wore a lot of itty bitty undies, is a strip down the center of your mons pubis. It’s sort of like a trail leading your partner down where you want them to be — like a happy trail, but more groomed. This look was favored by 2.9% of women respondents.

5. The Martini Glass

The Martini Glass is a Bermuda Triangle combined with a Landing Strip (the strip being the “stem” of the proverbial glass). While this wasn’t as popular of an option among the women I surveyed, it’s really easy to shape and can spice up a special night. Simply shave, trim, or wax the top and sides all the way down. You should naturally have a triangle shape, but now make it way smaller as you shave the bottom into a thin line, ending just before your clitoris. Adjust and reshape the top to make it look like a martini glass. This combo of two favorite styles is sure to turn heads and make your lover hella thirsty.

6. The Five O’Clock Shadow

The Five O’Clock Shadow is pretty much what it sounds like: stubble from the last time you shaved or trimmed. While it sounds simple, this style turned 16.7% of respondents’ heads with its simplicity and non-itchiness, likely because it’s easiest to just trim it down to avoid the itchiness of growing hair.

“If I could have an ingrown hair-free vagina I’d do Brazilian, but I’m too lazy and it’s too uncomfortable,” Zoe, 18, tells Her Campus.

9.6% of respondents prefer this look on their sexual partner, another reason being that the hair doesn’t rub painfully during sex. Makes sense, since sex should always be painless (unless you’re into that, of course).

7. The Silver Fox

Now, these silvery locks are a rare look among younger college students, but we can’t forget about our gorgeous mature students! Rather than shaving off or dyeing your graying or gray hairs, embrace the gray and know that you, too, can age with sexy grace — whoever said gray hair is only sexy on men!?

8. The Punk Rocker

Ready for a real challenge? Have wild hair up top and want the curtains to match the drapes? Be super careful, but you can dye and style your hair to look how you want.

Alexa*, 20, says she upkeeps her cooch by using “hair gel, mousse, shampoo, conditioner, and hair spray.” While this will give you a rocking down-there ‘do, make sure the products you select are safe to be so close to such a sensitive area.

Due to the upkeep and sensitive skin in that area, this style isn’t as popular as most of the others on this list, but it could be a fun way to bring a little more color to the bedroom!

9. The Postage Stamp

The Postage Stamp is a small, groomed square just above your clitoris. It’s the shape and size of a postage stamp, hence its name. This is a great way of keeping a tiny bit of hair so you aren’t totally bare, but also not having the hassle of working out a cool way to care for your pubic hair.

“I think it looks super cute,” Carrie*, 22, tells Her Campus. “I like the look of having some hair, but not too much. At the same time, it isn’t too little. It’s a happy medium and isn’t just your basic Bermuda Triangle.”

To sculpt your own, simply remove the majority of the top and the sides and a tiny bit from the bottom, and you’re good to go!

10. The Arrow

Now, this one is fun! It tells your lover exactly where they are meant to be going without the need for verbal cues (though, you know, consent is necessary to get first!), and it’s unusual, making for a surprise. It’s also easy to convert into a Postage Stamp or Landing Strip if you tire of it but don’t want to shave everything off.

11. The Baby Braid

Okay, okay, the list couldn’t be complete without a totally possible baby braid. This might take some practice, but the people I surveyed expressed a lot of interest in them. Let your hair grow out until it’s long enough to plait, then braid that bad boy up and tie it with a tiny hair elastic. Note: This will be easiest with the sides shaved!

When it comes to your pubic hair, though, don’t fret about what other people think: Over 50% of respondents agreed that your pubic hair is totally your own business, and had no preference for what their partner’s pubic hair should look like. The most common request was that whatever style you go for, you keep it clean! Now that can’t be too hard, especially not with a wide range of gentle, fragrance-free, or pH-balanced soaps to choose from.

If you are interested in trying something a bit more out there, don’t limit yourself when it comes to shapes. From lighting bolts to diamonds, women are rocking all kinds of cool shapes down there, and you can too!

*Names have been changed.

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Becca Serena wrote for Her Campus Western (Ontario) from 2015-2018. Beginning as a general writer, she made her way to Social Media Manager in 2016 and became a Chapter Advisor of five chapters from January to April of 2017. She serves as Editor-in-Chief and Co-Campus Correspondent for the 2017-2018 term. This venue saw Serena’s passion for writing brave and controversial pieces grow as her dedication to feminism strengthened.