Meet Bridget Chapman, a second year English student at Western. Her hobbies include doing makeup and spending time with her pets. Interested in getting your makeup professionally done here in London? Bridget has your back! Read about her journey from makeup newbie to certified makeup artist below.
Name: Bridget Chapman
Age: 18
Program: English
Hometown: Toronto
Instagram: @_bcbeauty
What is your favorite thing to do in London?
My favourite thing to do here is to see people that I haven’t seen all summer. Friend or foe. Just kidding, I don’t have any foes.
What did you do this summer?
My summer was pretty jam packed. I first travelled to Miami with my friends, then went to California with my mom. I saw Gigi Hadid so that was fun. Once I got back to Toronto, I took a course at the College of Makeup Art and Design, and was enrolled in The Fashion Photographic Makeup Artist program. I learned the foundations of professionalism, sanitation, makeup application in a professional manner, skin assessment and treatment, as well as many other makeup related practices.
What was your favourite thing about makeup school?
Waking up everyday knowing that I was walking into a hands-on classroom where I got to practice what I love the most.
What was a normal day like in makeup school?
The teacher talks about what we’re going to be doing for the day, shows examples on the screen, she then picks a “model” and demonstrates what style and techniques we will learn that day. Once the lesson is over, you are assigned a partner to practice makeup styles on.The teacher is always there for assistance that you may need. Once I was done with the look on my partner, we would draw a face chart, which is where you replicate the exact makeup and techniques on a piece of paper so that you can remember what you created.  Once we are finished, we clean our station and go home. On occasion, our daily routine is changed to include things such as tests and photoshoots.
Where do you think these skills will take you in the future?
I have always been interested in makeup application and product knowledge, so I am thrilled at the prospect of  turning my hobby into a career. Once I completed the program at the end of July, I received a certificate and I am looking forward to develop my skills as an artist. I plan to provide makeup services and application, as well as tips and suggestions to those interested in London while also being a full time student at Western.
Best mascara on the market?
Better Than Sex by Too Faced
Kylie Cosmetics or Jeffree Star?
Kylie Cosmetics
What are the three makeup items you would take if you were stuck on a desert island?
NARS Hot Sand liquid illuminator, Too Faced extreme lip injection lip plumper, and Anastasia Brow Wiz.
Lip Liner, yay or nay?
Yay. Even with gloss.
Beauty trend that makes you cringe the most?
Really heavy contouring.
Favourite beauty blogger?
Jaclyn Hill.
Current obsession?
My beauty blenders are always being put to good use.
Do you have any mottos that you live by?
“Find your own way, have an open spirit and believe in your own beauty” – Francois Nars
What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Watch makeup tutorials on YouTube and spend time with my pets.
Where is the best/last place you have travelled to?
Beverly Hills, California was the last place I travelled to, and I loved it!  However, Kenya was the best place that I have travelled.
What are you looking forward to the most this school year?
Getting back into the student lifestyle at Western. I really missed it!