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Love Advice to My Younger Self

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

Dear my younger self,

It’s okay to feel broken sometimes. Having your heart broken by the guy who does not appreciate you or see beyond your flaws are never worth crying for. You will obviously make mistakes, but these mistakes make you who you are, and without them, you can never be as strong of a person.

There will be times when you think “he is the one”; yeah, there will be many times when you think they are the one. These are just untrue thoughts when you are in love while disregarding their red flags. You will feel numb, trapped and unable to express yourself—these are significant signs that you need to run away from that person because they are a destruction to your life. Losing them at that point in time could be compared to the world’s worst feeling, but remember, with every obstacle comes a rainbow. And from that rainbow, you will connect with your mom on a deeper level. She will be there for you sincerely, and she will care for your problems like no one else will. She will tell you the ugly truth for your benefit. Most importantly, she will be there for you at your absolute worst. Being friends with your mom, and knowing you have your mother there for you as a mom and as a friend is one of the best feelings!

You learn to love yourself more after getting your heart broken because it makes you a stronger person after being crushed a few times, and eventually, you will get back up. It will give you the confidence to open your heart up on a whole new level, which will allow you to feel vulnerable. Vulnerability can be good sometimes because it will allow others to explore your heart at its best. Heartbreak makes you realize how incredibly strong you are, so use this lesson to gain confidence, to open your heart and don’t be afraid to love again.

You don’t need to try too hard to impress guys; when you find the right one, they will like you for you and see past your perfection. This means wearing your most comfy sweater, going without makeup and putting your hair in a bun during exam season. Also, sleeping with random guys will undermine your self worth, and the next morning, you will feel that emptiness and awkwardness when you wake up with a random stranger beside your bed. You will miss the feeling of an elementary or high school crush you had, and those butterflies you get when you see them in the hallway. You will make mistakes, but these are the things you will truly miss.

When you find your high school best friends who make you the happiest person and who enhance your weirdness, stay connected and do not ever let them go because they made you love being yourself. When you feel lost in a relationship, think about the happiness you felt with your best friends—that’s the happiness you deserve when you are in a relationship. Keep them because you will need them on your wedding day.

Sometimes, when life gives you challenges, always think positive and about the people who makes you happy and imagine life without them. Yikes, that’s no fun.

A fourth year Western student double majoring in MIT and Visual Arts who has a voice to contribute her beliefs and attitudes through writing. A lover for animals, Cafe Americanos, fashion, Ed Sheeran, and casually enjoy dancing in her room to the funkiest pop replays.
Ariel graduated from Western University in 2017. She served as her chapter's Campus Correspondent, has been a National Content Writer, and a Campus Expansion Assistant. She is currently a Chapter Advisor and Chapter Advisor Region Leader.