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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

Everyone loves essential oils.* They’re perfect for diffusing, headaches, and baths. But did you know that there is actually a supreme essential oil? Well, there is. And it’s lavender.

This essential oil beats all the other oils for three reasons in particular: It’s health benefits, safety benefits, and overall usefulness and appeal. 

Verywellmind, an online resource providing guidance for mental health and wellbeing, has all the facts on why lavender is the best oil for your health. 

Firstly, lavender has been known to reduce stress and anxiety. As a 20-year-old university student, nothing appeals to me more than something that can lower my stress levels. Just a few drops of lavender in a diffuser every night can help soothe your anxiety and make your evenings more relaxed and enjoyable.

Moreover, lavender oil is a great sleep agent. Lavender has been known to improve sleep and help treat insomnia. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t found another essential oil that can do that. I hopped on the lavender train years ago, and as a result, I own a diffuser, pillow spray, and sleep lotion, all of which help me to fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer. 

Lavender has also been said to have the potential to treat fungal infections, allergies, eczema, nausea, and menstrual cramps — and potentially have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial detoxifying, and sedative properties. This mighty essential oil does so much, so if you’re not yet on the lavender oil train, I thoroughly recommend hopping on. If you’re interested in learning more about the health benefits of lavender oil, check out Verywellmind here. 

Another big reason why lavender is the reigning essential oil is that it’s pet friendly and safe! Essential oils are often harmful to pets, especially cats, and could be extremely toxic. However, as outlined by the Iowa Veterinary Wellness Center, lavender is one of the few essential oils that can be diffused safely in the home without putting your cat’s health at risk. Of course, make sure your cat never consumes oils, but feel free to diffuse lavender to your heart’s content.

Furthermore, according to Wild Earth, lavender oil is not only one of the safest essential oils for dogs but can actually be good for them! Massaging a few drops into your dog’s fur can help calm anxiety, lower stress levels, and reduce motion sickness. Of course, every dog is different, but this can be an effective treatment for most dogs. To check out more helpful tips on this topic, check out the Iowa Veterinary Wellness Center and Wild Earth websites. 

Lastly, I wanted to share my own opinions on lavender. You may not feel the same, but lavender is one of the best smelling plants out there for me. It’s a light fragrant, not overpowering, yet easy to smell. It also has a huge variety of usability. Of course, you can use the oil for traditional purposes, such as diffusing,  (safely) rubbing the oil on your skin, or putting it in a bath. However, lavender can also be used for so many other things: soap, body wash, body lotion, hand cream, pillow spray, the list goes on. Once, I even had the most delicious lavender cheesecake that I will think about until the day I die… not to mention the milk chocolate lavender truffles! Finally, the lavender plant itself is just so beautiful to look at.

What I’m trying to say is that lavender oil is just a gift that keeps on giving. Its multipurpose use, alongside its health benefits and safety benefits, truly do make lavender the best essential oil out there. If you were looking for a sign to become as obsessed with everything lavender as I am, this is it, my friend. Go out there and get yourself some lavender essential oil and start living a more relaxed, sweet-smelling life. 

*Unless you are allergic. That is super unfortunate, and I’m so sorry.

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Hi everyone! My name is Jess and I'm a 4th year English and Creative Writing Major at Western University! I love to write, sing, watch Netflix, and just explore creatively. This is my second year with HerCampus and I couldn't be more excited!
Disha Rawal

Western '21

Disha is a fourth year student pursuing an Honours Specialization in Neuroscience. She has been on Her Campus Western's editorial team for the past two years. This year, she is one of the chapter's Campus Correspondents. In her free time, Disha enjoys journaling, painting and watching Youtube videos.