Whether you’re single or in a relationship, your sexual fantasies are more normal than you think! Not only do they have great benefits, but they are also completely natural. So, with that in mind, these are my top 10 reasons that you should embrace your sexual fantasies!
1. It feels great
When you have thoughts that make you excited or happy, your body naturally releases chemicals and endorphins that make you happier!
2. It is pleasurable and safe
There is no harm in some sexy thoughts; while whatever you are fantasizing about is in your head, it is all for your pleasure, and it is safe for all those involved!
3. You may end up having more fun in bed
By incorporating some of you or your partner’s sexual fantasies into your relationship, it could lead to some spicy new sex lives.
4. You will statistically have more sex
Stats can’t lie right?
5. Women who use their fantasies could have more orgasms than those who do not
More orgasms?!?! Who doesn’t want that!?
6. It can foster creativity
Whether it’s helping you write about a new topic, or inspiring you to try something new in bed – either way, your creative juices will be flowing!
7. It’s a safe way to escape reality
Whether you’re having a bad day or lack of sexy time in your life, fantasizing is a safe and healthy way to escape reality for a short period of time.
8. It is natural!
Hey, you can’t always control what your brain is thinking, but you can control how you behave – it’s totally natural to think these thoughts!
9. They are more common than you realize
The facts don’t lie, 75% of people openly admit to having a sexual fantasy of some sort… someone else probably has the same desires as you!
10. It can benefit your relationship
As long as it is legal, not harmful to you or your partner, and consensual between both parties, use your fantasies to switch things up, spice it up, or just try something new!
So that’s that, Collegiettes! Embrace those sexual fantasies, and let your mind run wild!