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10 Ways to Handle Being a Full Time Student With a Part Time Job

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

The first couple weeks of the semester can be the hardest, but they are definitely the best time to try and balance your school and work life. Hopefully some of these ideas work for you and can keep your stress levels under control!


1. Plan. Plan. Plan.

From the beginning of the semester to the very end of the year, this is one of the most important things to do. Managing your time is key to being successful in balancing your life. Make sure that you have all your shifts, assignments, due dates and midterms all figured out so that you are able to see what needs to get done and when.

2. Remember that you are a student first!

This is something that is sometimes forgotten, but you are at school to get an education first. Don’t be scared to cut back on hours or ask for help if you need it. If you can see that you are struggling, then you know that something in your schedule needs to be changed. Put those grades above the need for a rising bank account.


3. Have a good relationship with your managers.

Communication with your managers is definitely needed. Make sure that they are aware of your goal in terms of school and for work. Keeping them updated on how many shifts and hours you want a week is something that should be kept in mind. Also, ALWAYS make sure that they have access to your class schedule because you want your work to accommodate your classes so you aren’t stuck with the tough decision of choosing between a shift and going to a class.


4. Make time to focus on you!

Give yourself some TLC. It is okay to relax and give yourself a break. Balancing a job and full time studies can sometimes wear you thin. Make sure to make time to do things you love, whether that be going to the gym, seeing friends or binge watching Netflix in bed.

5. Separate the two different atmospheres.

Separating yourself from being a student and an employee is key. By doing this, you will be able to focus on what is happening in the moment and not about all the other things that you have to do in the upcoming days. If you are at work, focus on your work life and if you are in school don’t think about those shifts coming up.


6. Remember that you are not the only one dealing with this.

I guarantee you that many of your coworkers are going through the same thing as you. Talk to them! Your work can become like a second home. You are most likely spending the same time or maybe even more hours in your workplace than you are in class. Vent. Ask for help. You are not going through any of this alone and you might find that your coworkers become like your second family.


7. Treat yourself.

Spend some of that pay cheque on yourself. Most of us are working for the sole purpose of financially supporting ourselves through school, but if you don’t take a little out for yourself then there could be a growing resentment. Go to the mall, buy that highlighter, treat yourself to a nice dinner or get yourself that absurdly priced Starbucks drink. You deserve to have a little treat from all those hours you are pulling.


8. Sleep is your best friend.

You may think that running on little to no sleep and chugging coffee is the best way to get yourself through uni. Well, sorry to break it to you, but you’re wrong. I promise you that you will be 100 times more efficient if you actually sleep. Get that beauty rest and don’t be a walking zombie. Your body will thank you and so will the bags under your eyes.


9. It is most definitely okay to lose your shit from time to time.

Keeping it together all the time is just not going to happen. You are stressed and that comes with a whole whirlwind of emotions. It is okay to get pissed off. It is okay to cry. Don’t bottle these feelings up or the meltdown will only be worse. You are human and are entitled to let your emotions out.


10. Make time for Phil’s.

You heard me. Make time to go to that dark and grimy basement. Wait in that stupidly long line. Put on that cute crop top. Fill that pitcher and binge eat Gino’s pizza on the way home. You are allowed to put your stress aside for a couple of nights.


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Emma Grace

Wilfrid Laurier

Jenna Steadman

Wilfrid Laurier

4th year Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo ON.