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10 Ways to Make Your Day More Successful Before 10am

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

How you start your day can very much determine how the rest of it will go. That extra 15-minute snooze starts the inevitable domino effect that sets you back for the rest of your day. That healthy, warm bowl of oatmeal gets traded for a pop tart and the casual walk to class now becomes a winded sprint, which not only interrupts your prof’s already-10-minutes-in lecture, but also has you awkwardly pacing around to find a vacant seat.  Was that extra bit of sleep really worth it?

Recent studies show that what you do and don’t do in the first few hours of your day plays a huge role in your happiness, level of productivity, and health. That being said, here are 10 tips that will “hype” your morning routine for major all-day benefits. BONUS: You might even turn into a morning person!


1.“Let there be light!” …aka keep your blinds halfway open

When the alarm goes off, you’ll already be half awake! Whether it is natural or artificial, the light sends a signal to your brain telling you to wake up and puts the sleep-regulating hormone (melatonin) to a halt. So let the gradual natural light shine on.


2. Banish the snooze button

I know – easier said than actually done, but trust me when I say you’ll be more alert if you get out of bed on the first alarm. Why’s that you ask? It’s because your body releases adrenaline after your alarm goes off, making you feel instantaneously alert. So, by going back to sleep for those 5 extra minutes, you’re not only making yourself late but also undercutting your motivation. Resist the temptation!


3. Avoid checking social media and texts/emails first thing

Starting your day with social media is one of the worst things that you can do. Your mind is fresh after a good night sleep, ready to work, and ready to generate new thoughts. But, with the touch of a button, you fill it up with negative information about the economy, politics, and anything else that the media likes to drag you down with. Don’t let this sidetrack you from getting ready and put your priorities above others’ – for the first little bit anyhow!


4. Fire up Spotify

For me, music will forever motivate me and set the tone for what I want to do. If I’m getting ready for a lit night, best believe I’ll be tuned into some Rihanna. If I’m having a bath, John Mayer plays up on my feels. With music incorporated early on in the day, not only can you set your mood, but also get the day started right! Get Spotify, go to “Genre & Moods”, and then click  “Focus” – enjoy!


5. Drink a glass of water

You’ve been fasting all night and wake up each morning dehydrated.  Starting your day with a glass is a fresh wake-up call for both your muscles and organs. Tip: if water first thing in the morning sounds uninviting, add lemon slices. Not only does it add a zest but it also has benefits such as improving digestion, improving skin, as well as detoxifying and strengthening the liver.


6. Eat breakfast

We all know very well that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet many of us still skip it. Remember that breakfast doesn’t mean gulping down a large cup of coffee on your way out the door. Make yourself the priority with a wholesome breakfast – it fuels your brain and kick-starts your metabolism!


7. Set  3 goals you’d like to accomplish for the day

Take a moment to clear your mind and prioritize your day ahead with a to-do list or filling out a planner.


8. Get your blood flowing with some exercise

Ok, before you roll your eyes or sigh, hear me out. Most of us are not early risers let alone willing enough to workout at a time followed by “AM”.  Studies show that with just a super-quick 2-minute breathing exercise, energy, confidence and sense of stability levels are heightened – and it feels really good too!


9. Display gratitude

Alright, so maybe you don’t feel the need to send a thank-you card every single day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t express appreciation to those around you. Being thankful can actually make you happier. I know how easy it is to get caught up in the stressors of life, but if you’re reading this, you’ve got it better than most. Take a minute and focus less on what you don’t have and more on what you already have!


10. Get your routine down to a science

If you stick to a strict routine every morning, productivity will come naturally to you. Avoid those tempting distractions – keep those hands on the wheel and steer away from the last bit of the Bachelor you missed. You’ll thank me later.


Rise and shine, Collegiettes!

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Gabriella Leitao

Wilfrid Laurier

Hi! I'm Gabriella Leitao and I'm a third year student at Wilfrid Laurier University majoring in Communications with minors in Religion and Cultural Studies. The only thing I love more than writing is froyo... and acai bowls... and Netflix... and boys who are good at winking. I am a huge Ed Sheeran fan, always lost in a crowd, and I'm essentially an insomniac who takes sporadic naps. I am addicted to filling up my cart online shopping and then realizing I am a broke university student and closing out the page. My greatest talent in life is being able to move my nostrils and eyebrows in rhythm ... my parents are very proud of me, as you can imagine. Hit me up on the Insta: @lilgabsss & the Twitter-sphere: @l1lgabsss (sometimes I'm witty)