At the end of the summer, before you drove off to begin your first year as a university student, you both promised that the distance would not separate you. Why? Because you’d never felt a love like the one you two shared and nothing could get in the way of that. So, you went your separate ways, sent cute messages to each other, and maybe even a care package here and there. Almost a month and a half has gone by and now you’re about to have a week to see him. Seven whole days! You’re dreaming of the romantic dates you two will have, where you will both reminisce on your past together and share stories about your experiences at your new schools. As the date draws near, you begin to wonder…will things really go back to the way they were, or will this Thanksgiving mark the end our your relationship?
It’s no secret that people grow apart, but just in case you’re wondering whether or not you’ll be one of those couples who can stay together, distance and all, here are a few signs that the “I think we should break it off” is soon to come.
1. It’s not him…it’s you.
You can’t help it – it’s just not the same anymore. You begin to feel less and less guilty as your eyes continue to wander to the cute guy sitting next to you in your psychology class. What? It’s not your fault he smells amazing! You can try to blame it on the ‘a-a-a-a-a-alcohol,’ but it might just be time to admit to yourself that the same sense of commitment has left the building.
2. “We need to talk.”
Someone has said it, or at least implied it. It could have been him, or it could have been you. Whatever the case may be, what follows isn’t usually a call for celebration.
3. The Silent Treatment.
First hours went by, and suddenly it began to take days for you to reply to each other’s messages. Neither of you have spent much time planning to meet up over the break. You’ve both got the hint…still friends?
4. Rumour has it.
Your BFF hates to be a fly on the wall, but she just happened to hear a few interesting facts while you were gone. He’s hinted at breaking up with you to others, been openly flirting with girls, and/or physically cheated on you! After checking the facts for yourself, the girl in question does indeed show up on his Facebook page multiple times.
Whatever happens over the Thanksgiving holiday just remember a few things. First, people come and people go. The right ones will always stay, even as friends. You’re embarking on the next stage of your life! Accept it! Great things are waiting to happen to you. Most importantly, Thanksgiving is a time to spend with your family and give thanks. You have so many things to be grateful for!