Midterms and overdue readings are piling up, and deadlines are moving faster than my feet can catch up with. I don’t know about you, but I am READY for reading week. If you’re one of the lucky ones who is hopping on a plane soon and going somewhere for the week – you can probably stop reading now. If you’re still here, welcome! Let’s talk about some places to hit up in your hometown!
Local coffee shop
Every small town or neighbourhood has a coffee shop. Be sure to pop in one morning to say hello and catch up with the owners. Everyone wants to know how you’re doing while you’re at school, so you might as well show your face! Invite your mom for coffee and make a morning out of it.
Family’s house
There are very few places in this world that are as welcoming as a grandparent or close family member’s home. Hopefully, you can enjoy a home-cooked meal with family this week.
Local rink/dance studio/basketball court
If you are anything like me, you stopped actively pursuing a hobby or sport when you finished high school and came to university because of time constraints. Whether it’s skating, hockey, dance, basketball or gymnastics – you name it, the coaches that watched you grow up want to see you succeed. If you can, watch a game played by the next generation or say hello to the coaches that helped shape you into the person you are today.
Public library
As Arthur would say, “having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a library card.”
I’m a big fan of public libraries. As a kid, it was a place to learn new words and explore new characters and worlds. As a university student, we can sometimes forget that public libraries exist. Public libraries are a great spot to work on schoolwork without feeling obligated to buy an expensive coffee.
Your best friend from high school’s house
It can be really nice when our reading week at Laurier aligns with reading weeks at other universities and colleges, but I know that is not always the case. If you are lucky enough to have the same reading week as your best friend(s) from high school, try to see them over the week. If you both have a lot of school work to do, plan a study date. If you are feeling sluggish, go for a run or hit the gym together.
Take a day out of your reading week to unwind and relax at a spa. Whether it’s hot pools or a manicure appointment, there’s something so pleasing about being in a spa atmosphere during the winter.
None of these spots are quite as nice as an all-inclusive vacation in Mexico, but they will hopefully help ease the homesickness and allow you to be rested and refreshed to tackle the rest of midterm and essay season. Be sure to get some rest this week!