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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

It’s that time of year again when the malls are overcrowded and it feels like they have nothing you think your friends will want. If you’re feeling stumped or overwhelmed with options, hopefully, these suggestions will help.

Sound Machine

Trust me when I say your friends won’t be able to thank you enough. Sometimes a fan just doesn’t do the trick. Have roommates that constantly party, even when you tell them you have an exam at 8 a.m.? The sound machine can fix that for you. Have trouble falling asleep to the city noises at night? Easy solution! Sound machine. Not only are they usually fairly cheap (mine is from Amazon for like $10) but all you have to do is plug it in at night and press the ‘On’ button. It’s fairly loud and has four different settings. Truly I can’t rave enough about sound machines, and I really think everyone could use one, so it’s the perfect gift!

Bath and Body Works Gift Set

For $15 you can get body lotion, cologne or perfume and hand sanitizer in a cute little bag. It may not seem like much, but the sizes are perfect for carry-on luggage. Have a friend going on a trip for the holidays? Perfect! Gift this to them and be done with it.

Yeti Ramblers

Honestly, owning one of these is amazing, and anyone that owns one will tell you the same. Personally, I can never get enough of Yeti.  With all the different shapes and sizes of the ramblers and all the different designs and colours, there is no way that the person you’re shopping for won’t be satisfied with a Yeti this Christmas.


I feel like everyone always forgets about speakers until they want to have a shower and blast music or are planning on hosting a party and don’t own a speaker. While it’s important to have good quality sound, sometimes the big speakers aren’t worth it for how much you will use them. The small JBL speakers you can get from the Source or Amazon will do the trick, no problem, and they are actually good quality with a pretty high volume!

Cookie Decoration Set

‘Tis the season for gingerbread! Have a Secret Santa coming up and need a gift everyone can enjoy? A cookie decoration set is a perfect thing that leaves everyone with full stomachs and sprinkles everywhere.


Have a friend that rants a lot? Get them a journal! Sure, you’ll probably still hear the rant aloud, but it’s likely they may write it down too. Journals are great for all kinds of things, from “Dear Diary” entries, to poetry they never want anyone to read, to dream journaling or just daily affirmations; journals have so many ways to slow the brain down and relax for a second.

Personalized Ornament

Have a photo of you and your friend that you both love? Put it on a Christmas ornament for their tree! Not only is this a perfect gift for everyone to receive, but it also feels more personal and thoughtful even if they are only $10 on Amazon. There are so many different customization options with photos with the date, little reindeer families, snowflakes you can put both of your names on and so much more.

Walmart Gift Card

When worse comes to worst, the safest bet is a Walmart gift card. Your friends could get groceries, buy clothes, Legos, books, makeup and much, much more with it. When all else fails, go with a Walmart gift card.

Although this time of year can be stressful on your mental health and your wallet, this list is to help the ideas start flowing for gift ideas for friends and family to get them something you think they will like! Remember, Christmas isn’t about the gifts but the people you want to spend your time with. Merry Christmas and happy shopping, folks!

Bailey McIntyre

Wilfrid Laurier '25

Bailey is in her third year of English studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. From a small town, she escaped when she could by writing whenever possible, as well as reading all things Sci-fi and Romance. She loves Snowboarding, Baking and watching early 2000s movies with hot chocolate. Bailey has a passion for all things writing related and is also the Arts and Life Section editor for The Cord Newspaper at Laurier. Wishing to pursue editing and publishing post grad, writing is her main creative outlet.