I am what is considered an “essential worker” according to the Canadian government. I don’t know how working at a restaurant and packing takeout is considered essential, but I can’t complain because I am grateful that I still have a job during these tough times. My work takes all the necessary precautions that are mandated by the government to keep the customers safe, such as extra sanitization protocols, masks, wearing gloves for certain things, etc. The pandemic has unfortunately been thriving for a year now, so these protocols are nothing new to me anymore and each day at work seems fairly normal now. However, you would think that the regulations set in place for people coming into my restaurant would be normal and respected as well, right? I regret to inform you all that somehow there are still some people making poor choices in my restaurant, and these are my pleas to them.
Please don’t make a fuss about wearing a mask
I can’t believe that this is something I even have to write about. It is coming up on a year since masks were implemented as safety measures, and yet I still have customers coming into the store and making a fuss about wearing them. This should be a no-brainer. Masks were never marketed as a way to completely protect yourself or others, but it has been proven that they greatly decrease the risk of spreading the disease. I understand that they are hot, uncomfortable and overall, they’re just not very enjoyable to have on. However, you will likely only be in the restaurant for a matter of minutes, and then you will be on your way home with your takeout or at your table where you are permitted to take it off. Wearing a mask for a few minutes while picking up your food or walking around the restaurant shouldn’t be something that I have to fight you on. I wear a mask my entire shift, and doctors and emergency workers wear them for endless hours during their shifts, so what is the problem with putting one on for what is likely less than 5 minutes? It is a few minutes out of your day to protect you and those around you, so please just wear the mask.
Please be patient and understanding
I understand that you’re hungry and waiting for food always feels longer than it actually is, however, please try to be patient. Due to COVID, many of our staff chose not to return right now. On top of that, hours had to be cut to keep the business from going under and so more times than not, we are slightly understaffed. There are lots of days during the week where either another worker or me are by themselves on the floor. When there is only one staff member on, it can be a little tricky to do everything that we need to. I understand that you are hungry. I get hangry all the time, but please have a little patience and understanding. There is so much going on behind the scenes that you don’t see when you come in. These are stressful times to be working in so please just be kind to essential workers and be patient with them.
Please consider someone other than yourself
This one may sound like an attack, but it is not meant that way. All I mean by this is that there are lots of things to consider that you might not be thinking about. This applies to almost everything. One example would be looking around you when you are in line or paying for something and realizing that someone is waiting. I can’t even tell you how many times someone will pay for their food at the front desk and then just stand there waiting for the food, while simultaneously blocking the way for others. All I am asking is that you try to pay attention to your surroundings and that you are courteous to others. It can be a little awkward for me to have to ask you to step aside. Another thing that you may want to consider is the workers because trust me when I tell you that we don’t love working during this pandemic. I didn’t love my job before and now with the pandemic, I am constantly paranoid, but I still go to work because I need the money and I have bills to pay. So, I will repeat myself, please be considerate of those around you and their circumstances.
I understand that these are trying times. We were all hoping COVID would be over quickly and we were all disappointed when it wasn’t, but your disappointment isn’t an excuse to be rude and uncooperative to the people that are serving you and your community. I would not consider my job “essential,” but the government has. So, to the people that still aren’t respectful and cooperative, I implore you to look further than yourself and have a little compassion for people in my position. My life isn’t going the way I thought it would be either, but nobody benefits from being obstinate.