So, you have landed your dream internship and are feeling ecstatic! After all the long hours you put into crafting the perfect resume and cover letter and nailing your interviews, you feel like your hard work has finally paid off. Now that you have this opportunity, it is imperative you go into the experience trying to learn as much as you can and really make the most out of it. After all, internships are an amazing way to learn more about a particular job or field without making a huge commitment.
1. Think about what you want to get out of your internship
Many times, as students, we accept an internship simply because we got an offer and want work experience. While this is a completely rational reason to accept a job, it is important to step back and think about what you truly want to get out of this experience. What made you want to apply to this specific company or position in the first place? Was it the amazing workplace culture and perks you heard about or perhaps the job was very aligned with your major and career goals? Take a step back and think of the top few goals you have during your time at this company. For example, if this is your first ever internship, your goal may be to learn more about what it is like working a 9-to-5 and being in a professional environment. If you landed a job related to your field of interest, you may have more specific goals about the technical skills you want to acquire.
2. Network
Perhaps the most valuable thing that students will gain during their internships is the new network of people that they have access to. Making sure you establish and build the foundation to nurture long-term relationships with the people you meet can get you very far in your future. Write down the names of all the people you meet or interact with and add them on LinkedIn or invite them for a chat over coffee or lunch one day. Furthermore, get to know the other interns and people on your team that you work with closely as they will be an amazing support system for you, and they will grow with you throughout your career. Get involved with any office activities or groups and go out of your way to introduce yourself to people in your office. Once you know people in your office, you can also ask them if they need help on any projects they are working on and further expand your knowledge of different areas in the company that way.
3. Listen and ask questions
Think of your brain as a sponge while you are at your internship and be open to all the advice that you get. If you do not understand something or you need further clarification, ask! Always bring a notebook with you to any meetings and write down important information so that when you do have a conversation with your manager, you can show them you are an attentive listener who is always open to learning more.
4. Be open to feedback
Make sure you are asking those who train you and your manager for feedback on how you are performing. Be open to constructive criticism; after all, you are just a beginner and the reason you are here is to make mistakes and learn from them. It is important that you make note of areas of weakness as this will help you better understand yourself and what your strengths and weaknesses are so that you can improve. By being open to feedback, you will see a lot of growth in your skills and confidence in the workplace.
Overall, an internship is an amazing way to test out the aspects of what you do and do not like about a particular field and position. Throughout your time, you will be able to explore your career path and learn many new valuable skills. To make the most out of your internship, always think about what you want to get out of it, network, listen, ask questions and be open to feedback!