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I Tried Meditating for a Week and Here’s What Happened

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Midterm season is now upon us, and all of the stress can be extremely difficult to manage. There have been times where I’ve felt like I just can’t get over my anxious feelings, until I explored some ways to help me calm down. So, this past week I decided to give meditation a try! I used the Headspace app and tried meditating for a week, and here’s how it went. 

Before I Started

I discovered that meditation can be really helpful for when I feel too overwhelmed. I actually started after receiving multiple recommendations from my friends and family. It was really daunting at first, because I didn’t know where to begin or even what to look up. A friend told me to use the app Headspace, so that’s where I started my journey! 

What is Headspace?

Headspace is an app with guided meditation that can really help beginners. With a paid subscription, the app has meditation packs that help with a variety of problems, such as anxiety, insomnia, low self-esteem and homesickness. There’s even a free subscription option, where you can try out a few of the packs and have basic training sessions if you are a beginner. In the app, you have an instructor that leads you through a guided meditation session, which can last anywhere from 3 to 20 minutes daily, making it really easy to fit into your busy schedule. 

My Initial Experience 

I had trouble with homesickness for the first couple of weeks of university, and it was interfering with my academic performance. I would really begin to feel anxious and not want to do anything but stay in bed and watch The Office. The first time I used the app, I tried the Leaving Home pack and the guide told me exactly what I needed to hear. They also gave me homework, in the form of some things I should use throughout the day to help me stay calm.

Beginning of the Week

I would open the app whenever I had trouble focusing and the guide would, step by step, get me to relax in the span of 10 minutes by telling me how to breathe and what to think about. I was relieved of my anxiety and able to get all of my work done without feeling overwhelmed. 

A Downfall

It is really hard to stick to a routine every day, especially when you are just beginning. I would meditate at different points in the day, but overall, I would still meditate. I highly recommend that you allow notifications, so that you’ll be reminded to meditate. 

The End of the Week

As someone who experiences anxiety, it was surprising how much thinking about breathing for 3 or so minutes can really help with getting my mind back to the right place. I can tell you that I feel a lot healthier and more stable now. Although I still have a lot of progress to make, Headspace was a really good start. I plan on continuing with the basic training and soon become a paid subscriber. I will definitely continue meditating on my own! 

My Recommendation

I would really recommend this app to everyone. You should at least try one or two sessions because they are not a major time commitment and it really does help you get into the right mindset. 

This is not a sponsored post; Her Campus is in no way affiliated with the app Headspace.

Emily is a twenty-something fourth-year student majoring in English and History. She has a passion for writing, internet-famous cats, and sappy books.