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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

There is Only One Tree Hill,” the punch line that stuck with many of us throughout the countless nights of binge-watching, laughing and the (more than) occasional tears. If you asked me how many times I have sat through the full series of One Tree Hill, I’d have a difficult time figuring it out — the number is embarrassingly high. 

If you haven’t had the chance to watch the show, it follows the lives of high school students in a small town called “Tree Hill.” Within the nine seasons, we see everything from drama, heartbreak and one too many murders … seriously, where was the law enforcement? Despite the fact One Tree Hill may seem like a cliché high school drama to some, there is much more to the program than that. 

There is no doubt that OTH pulls at your heartstrings, but most importantly every episode provides inspirational life lessons I continue to swear by years after the series has ended. Below are just a few (of many) the show has to offer. Caution: major spoilers ahead!

Life goes by quickly 

It often feels like it was yesterday we were all in high school — and then in the blink of an eye, four years were behind us. The same applies to all aspects of life. One of the biggest lessons OTH taught us is to cherish every day and every moment because soon enough you will be looking back and thinking: “where did the time go?” 

Hoes over Bros 

Anyone who has seen the show knows the complex friendship that is Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer. Despite the fact that “Beyton” has had their many ups and downs (mostly over boys), their storyline has taught us so much about friendship throughout the nine seasons. Arguments happen, but it is important to remember that at the end of the day your friends will still be there. Friendship will always prevail and it is most definitely more important than any guy.  

Guys and girls can be just friends 

Since the start of the series, Haley James and Lucas Scott prove that guys and girls can actually have platonic relationships, despite what many believe. In fact, this friendship was one of my favourite parts of the One Tree Hill experience. Just because you are friends with the opposite sex, does not mean you are secretly dating — and it definitely does not mean someone has feelings for the other.

Don’t let anyone tell you who you are!

In life, it is easy to feel as if you are being labelled as one type of person based on what other people think about you. However, it is up to you to be true to your own self, rather than let the labels define you. You are smart enough, pretty enough — and most definitely good enough. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks: what matters is what you think. 

Set goals (and dream big) 

One of the largest lessons I gathered from watching the show is that all goals seem small at first. In reality, however, if you are determined and work towards your dreams, you likely will achieve them. Take Brooke Davis for example; her idea for the clothing line “Clothes Over Bros” started as a small idea in high school, but through hard work and dedication it transpired into a well-known label in New York. 

Never trust drinks from strangers 

I feel like this has been drilled into our brains for a very long time, but it is an important one to remember. Both Peyton and Brooke encountered a scary experience where Peyton was drugged at a party and almost taken advantage of. Bottom line, don’t take drinks from people you don’t know — and always look out for your friends.  

Everyone grows up at their own pace

Especially with the incorporation of social media, where it is so easy to view others’ lives, it is easy to feel like you are falling behind. However, it is crucial to remind yourself that everyone grows up at their own pace and you likely will never be in sync with everyone around you. Just slow down and relax. Things will eventually work themselves out.

Be careful what you put on the internet 

Similar to the “never trust drinks from strangers” lesson, this one has been repeated to us as young adults time and time again. Remember “Psycho Derek”? Yeah, Peyton, probably not the best idea to be live on webcam every night for the general public to view. The moral of the story is: you really do not know who is out there or what their intentions may be, so think before you post! 

Love finds you when you stop looking for it. 

I am a firm believer that love finds you, you don’t find love. In relation to One Tree Hill, you have to go through your fair share of Nathans before you find your Lucas. You will find your person one day — and you will know that you have. 

Fight for the people you love, it’s worth it. 

Stop making excuses for why you shouldn’t and start fighting for the people in your life you care about. Whether that is a relationship or a friendship, if you care about someone, make sure they know it.

People can change 

If you sat me down in the earlier seasons and told me I would eventually grow to like Dan Scott, I wouldn’t believe you. However, I do. Despite the fact Dan Scott’s character made it so easy to dislike him, he redeems himself later in the series and actually proves that he has changed as a person. Alongside him, another character that faced serious development was Brooke Davis. Brooke’s character was known as the “slutty cheerleader” for most of high school, but as the show progresses (I personally) fell in love with her character and the advancements she made as a person. With that, I firmly believe that some people can change despite their past. 

Last, it’s okay to cry sometimes!

Tears are actually a healthy release, especially when you are having a bad day. It is important to know that crying it out is normal. It does not make you weak — it makes you human. 

If you haven’t had the chance to watch One Tree Hill, I highly recommend doing so. If you already have, it never hurts to watch it again! 

Gina-Marie Rubinia

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Currently studying General Arts at Laurier. I have always enjoyed writing as a past time and think it is the best way for anyone to express their inner creativity. Avid romantic movie watcher (I'm talking recite the lines to every Nicholas Sparks film, obsessed). If I could move to any fictional location it would be Tree Hill, North Carolina (also an OTH fanatic). I'm a firm believer that every person needs to experience The Office (at least) once in their lifetime. Oh and I am most definitely a dog over cats type of person.
Emily is a twenty-something fourth-year student majoring in English and History. She has a passion for writing, internet-famous cats, and sappy books.