To the woman who taught me everything I know,
As a child, I remember being asked in class who my role model was and my answer was always the same: you. As I grew up, in job interviews, essays, and throughout life people continued to ask, “who is your role model?” and the answer has never strayed far… it has, and always will be, you.
As I have grown up, watching you has always amazed me. You have shown me that despite all the sh*t life can throw your way, there is always a positive – you just have to find it.
You taught me that everyone deserves love, respect, and kindness no matter how mean, different, or odd they may seem. You always told me not to judge people for what may seem different, but to accept everyone as they come.
You have always shown me that learning was cool. From reading, to music, and everything in-between (with the exception of math), you have shown me how much there is to know and pushed me to try my best in all subjects. My desire to learn sprouted at a young age, and I have you to thank for that.
On the other side of things, you showed me how to have fun (responsibly). You have always been the cool mom. From letting me drink at high school parties, to letting all my friends crash at our house because they weren’t supposed to be at the same party. You helped me throw the BEST sleepovers when I was 5, and continued to put up with my girl-gang pre-ing Friday nights at our house.
Thank you for dealing with me when I called at 2 am asking for a pick-up, or crying because I got dumped (again) and not asking any questions when doing so.
Your advice has been endless. You have imparted your knowledge on me with things like: being honest because lying is always the worst option, that nothing good ever happens after 1 am at a party (valid point), and that you should always look at how a boy treats his mom (because chances are that’s how he’ll treat you). All things that I hate to say have turned out to be very true, and very helpful.
You have always pointed me in the right direction and have been supportive even when I chose not to listen. From my crazy eye shadow and bad outfit choices to deciding to change my career path, your support is endless and I am forever grateful.
I truly feel that we are the Gilmore girls of our small town and nothing makes me prouder. Nothing is off limits to talk about and we gossip about our lives and the people in them. And neither of us can really cook. Plus we have matching tattoos, so who knows, maybe we’re even cooler.
Mom, I may not always listen to you, or follow your advice, but please understand that you were my first best friend, the women who taught me to be the strong-willed person I am today, and who has taught me to care. You may be momzilla every so often but the love I have for you is endless, and I probably don’t tell you that enough. I will never stop over-sharing my life or asking for your opinion on everything from laundry to my love life.
Your determination and passion for life is and forever will be, my inspiration.
I love you, Mom