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My Advice on Managing Full-Time University and Part-Time Work

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

As exciting and fun as university is, it’s one of the costliest endeavours students will face in their lives. With this being said, many students look for part-time jobs to earn some extra cash while in school. However, it can get difficult to manage a full course load and working multiple hours a week,  all while maintaining a sufficient social life. The following are some of my tips on managing it all.

Planners are your best friend

I know it might be common knowledge or “basic” but buy yourself a planner! I personally love my weekly planner as it gives me more room to schedule all of my school assignments and work shifts throughout the week. This way everything I need to do is laid out in front of me every day. If I begin to feel overwhelmed, I can either manage and divide my schoolwork better or offer my shift to a co-worker. I find that planners also allow me to plan quite far in advance. For example, I start by outlining all my due dates for school, then I add in any shifts I’ve been assigned so that I can delegate enough time to each class while still making it to all of my shifts.

work on campus

One of my biggest recommendations would be to work an on-campus position if possible. To my knowledge, almost every on-campus job will work around your school schedule while creating your hours, ensuring that you’ll never have a shift at the same time as a class. I’ve noticed that working on-campus also comes with much more leniency when it comes to switching shifts with someone or booking days off. Employers on-campus understand that school comes first!

Be Realistic with your Commitments

The biggest mistake you can make when working during school is prioritizing work before academics. Being realistic with the amount of commitment you have regarding school is so important, considering how easy it is to get overwhelmed with work and school. Prior to applications or interviews, try reviewing all of your syllabi to get an accurate representation of how many hours a week would be a realistic amount for you. I’d also recommend telling your employers you can work a few hours less than you think because there’s always room to pick up shifts!

Remember that another addition to your resume never hurts and this type of position shows strong time-management and organization skills! A little extra cash for groceries or a night out with friends makes it all worth it.

Olivia Egan

Wilfrid Laurier '23

Third year Psychology student at WLU