My bucket list has been something that I’ve been building since I was just a little girl. A couple of things on my bucket list were first added when I was a toddler, and as I grew, I added more and more things that I can’t wait to achieve one day. Some items on my bucket list include travelling or social goals, while others include overall life and career goals. Everyone has a bucket list – a colourful and glorious list of their life goals – and right now I’m about to expose some of mine.
One of the first things on my bucket list is to learn and eventually become fluent in another language. This is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, but it never seems like the right time. I don’t quite know what language yet, but I’ve considered them all, from French to German to Spanish. I seem to struggle with school orchestrated courses, so one day I’m hoping to branch out on my own and start learning independently. I have such respect and adoration for individuals who are able to speak more than one language. It’s so cool and seems like it could be super convenient at times, especially when travelling to different countries. This one has been on my bucket list for a while now, and it’s something I’m looking forward to completing someday soon!
Another item on my bucket list is to travel to Spain. Spain seems to be such a beautiful country and I’ve always adored the beautiful skylines and architecture. The food also seems like it would be amazing, and I’ve heard so many great things about the country. Spain is a European country that I haven’t had the pleasure of exploring yet, and I can’t wait to hopefully explore its beauty someday. As much as I would love to just pack up my bags and travel to Spain right now, this item on my bucket list seems like it might have to wait a while, or at least until I graduate from university.
Going on a hot air balloon ride is another life goal of mine. Hot air balloons are so beautiful, and I would absolutely adore the opportunity to be on one while in flight. I’m not the biggest fan of heights, so this bucket list item isn’t just for the sheer experience but also to help me conquer my fear and hopefully allow me to open up to more experiences in the future. Hot air balloons also seem to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience and aren’t super accessible where I live, so any opportunity to experience a ride would be amazing. This bucket list item might have to wait a while, but I’ll be ready to jump at any opportunity that comes my way.
Lastly, I want to support my family when I’m older. When your family is so loving and supportive like mine, you can’t not want to support them and give back to them when you grow up. My parents have been awesome in supporting me and providing me with amazing advice throughout my childhood and teenage years, so I feel like it’s my duty to repay them one day (metaphorically and literally). This goal of mine is something that I plan to complete when I’m older and have figured out my future. Although it’s the last item on my list, it’s an item that I’m extremely excited to complete one day.
Bucket lists are all about achieving things you never thought you could achieve before. I can’t wait to get started on ticking off boxes on my bucket list and achieving the impossible. I’m looking forward to the days where I can experience life to the fullest and achieve more than I ever thought I could. Moral of the story: go for it! Reach for your goals and one day, they’ll finally be right in the palm of your hand.