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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Sundays are my favourite day of the week, mostly because I love Sunday resets! Nothing makes me feel quiet as fresh, productive or in control as a Sunday reset does. 

My first step is always figuring out what I want to accomplish that day. Maybe you want to do a deep clean, go through your closet, do some grocery shopping or catch up on school. I’m a big list person so I like to write it all down! I also think it’s super satisfying to cross things off as you go.

Another must on a reset day is working out. I think for me at least, in order to feel fresh and clear my head, I need to move my body. For my Sunday resets, this usually looks like a nice run; but you could go to the gym, do a yoga or pilates video in your room or even go for a nice walk. Sometimes I’ll just walk on the treadmill while reading or watch an episode of TV.

My next step is always a nice long shower. Deep condition your hair, do your skin care, moisturize. Do whatever you like to do to make you feel fresh and clean! I always make a point of getting fully ready afterwards. This doesn’t mean you have to wear a fancy outfit and put on a full face of makeup; this could be sweats and moisturizer, you just have to do whatever you do to make yourself feel put together. I’m a big fan of the idea that if you look good and put together, you’re more likely to feel good and put together.

Whenever I’m doing a reset day, I always make a point to leave the house for a little bit. This could be heading to campus to get some work done, picking up groceries, running errands or just grabbing a cup of coffee downtown and going for a nice walk in Waterloo Park with your roommates. Personally, I like to head to a café to catch up on assignments and get all set to start new content on Monday. My favourite place to go is Midnight Run; the coffee and food is great, the atmosphere is cozy and it’s about 15 minutes from my apartment, so it allows me to get outside for a short walk and some fresh air too!

This may be controversial, but I usually like to leave cleaning and tidying for last. I like to get the ‘harder’ activities (like schoolwork) out of the way during the day, then come home and do the more mindless tasks (like laundry or vacuuming) later. I usually light a candle or two and put a show on the TV.

The last thing that I like to do on reset days is the little extras that are part of my normal daily routine. I like to make a cup of tea and look over what’s going on in the next few days. If there is anything like appointments that I need to prepare for, I usually start looking at them now. I’m heading abroad in January which is why I mostly look at exchange stuff and check submission deadlines right now. I also like to journal on Sundays. If you regularly journal this will be normal for you, but if you’re new to journaling, you could write about the past and coming weeks, you could focus on things that you’re proud of or grateful for, or things you want to accomplish in the coming week. I find that writing everything down helps me clear my head and enter the next week in a good headspace!

Kate Murakami

Wilfrid Laurier '26

Hey! I’m in my third year at Wilfrid Laurier University. I’m majoring in communications and minoring in history and leadership. I love to be outside and I love being active. I’m a year round runner, a big fan of Pilates and I love to snowboard throughout the winter!