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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

The Problems with Tinder Dating

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

I don’t care what anybody says, dating in university is harder than it seems. Even though you are constantly surrounded by so many options, it’s hard to find someone you click with. It’s not easy trying to talk to people at the bar and it’s definitely not easy trying to make conversation with the hottie in your 8 a.m. lecture. So, we end up resorting to the one dating app we know everyone knows and loves (or loathes): Tinder.

While there may be some positives for dipping our toes into the online dating pool, there are also a few negatives.

You never really know who’s behind the screen

When it comes to meeting strangers on the internet, you can never be too sure about who you’re actually talking to. If The Circle has taught us anything, it’s that catfishing is very real. Even though we may be captivated by a picture of a hot guy holding his cute dog, we can never be sure if it’s really him. But there are some easy ways we can avoid being catfished. First off, if their profile only has one picture and it’s even somewhat sketchy, it’s probably not them. If they ask you to click on any random links or their responses don’t sound like an actual person is writing them, then I hate to break it to you but he’s probably a bot or a 50-year-old man. Needless to say, you better un-match real fast.

Nothing can be more awkward than seeing the guy you ghosted on Tinder on campus

That gut-wrenching moment when you’re walking through the hallways and catch a glimpse of that guy who you ghosted on Tinder is nothing less than extremely uncomfortable. In those five minutes, you usually spend two wondering how you know him and why he looks so familiar. Then as soon as you realize, you spend the next three minutes trying to avoid eye contact and get as far away from him as possible. It’s definitely not a situation I would recommend to anyone.

No matter what you do, you can never escape the unsolicited pictures

Almost every girl can agree that they have received some form of an unsolicited picture that made them want to completely erase their memory. On dating sites, dick pics are hard to avoid. Not sure what it is about guys wanting to show that thing between their legs to the whole world, but it certainly makes them believe that receiving a picture like that won’t leave us completely distraught. The next time you receive an unsolicited picture, the easiest thing to do is just un-match them and/or throw your phone away completely. Nasty!

Now I’m not saying you can never find a boyfriend on Tinder because that’s not true. I have heard multiple success stories of girls who found the love of their life on Tinder. I even dated a guy I met on Tinder for a whole year. But the problem with those success stories is that they are simply the exception, not the rule. So instead of trying to connect with every new person you match with, maybe it’s just easier to stay in and have a bottle of wine with your roommates and talk about how much you hate men instead.

Chandni Bhatt

Wilfrid Laurier '21

Chandni is a fourth-year Global Studies and Political Science student. She loves writing, reading and binge-watching Netflix tv-shows.