Happiness is something that no matter where in the world you are, you strive to achieve it. Although it sometimes seems like an overwhelming task, it can be done. There are both small, and larger steps to help you reach the happiness you desire within your life. If you focus on my top ten tips for happiness, you will sure be on your way!
1. Drink Water
This may seem silly, but a healthy you is a happy you! So drink up!
2. Laugh
Whether it’s while watching a funny YouTube video, or remembering that time your roommate did something hilarious – laugh it out! The chemical reaction laughing causes will make you feel great.
3. Define What Happiness Means to you
Now this is a bit more abstract, but to be your happiest self, you must first define what happiness means to you, so you know when you get there.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others
No matter what there will always be someone doing better than you in one aspect of your life; don’t let that get you down. Stop comparing yourself to them, you are your own person and have your own personal strengths. Once you stop thinking you are less than someone else, your happiness level will soar..
5. Take a Break
Whether it’s a break from homework, social life, or anything in between, you always deserve a break. Take some time and snuggle up in a warm blanket with some tea and Netflix and enjoy the moment.
6. Sing & Dance
Whether you are good at these things or not, you can’t deny that dancing in your undies in your room to a good throwback song, or jamming out in the shower is therapeutic. Sing and dance your heart out because your happiness will radiate throughout.
7. Group Chat with your Best Friends
Although group chats can be the most annoying thing on the face of the earth and nobody enjoys a billion notifications, talking to your friends brings happiness. Whether it’s just a story about your day, or a “remember when…” conversation you can always count on your bffs for a happy moment.
8. Travel
Now obviously this isn’t in the budget for everyone, but even saving for a trip may bring you happiness knowing someday you will be there. Seeing how a different culture lives, and experiencing a new place can bring you endless happiness, not to mention an amazing experience and a new world view.
9. Give Back
In whatever way you can, whether it’s volunteering, donating, or supporting someone in need; helping others brings happiness to your heart like no other.
10. Gratitude Journal
A gratitude journal is a journal where you write down one or two things a day you’re grateful for. No matter what happened and how crappy that day was, reflect on it and find the positives. I guarantee if you do this for an entire year you will be so much happier with yourself.
So there you go, Collegiettes, focus on the positive and no matter how shi**y your day was, know that you deserve to be happy and that if you aren’t right now…you will be.