For most university students, the weeks in December leading up to the break are insanely overwhelming and even the thought of the holidays coming can seem bleak when you are drowning in exam revision. This time of year is super stressful but it’s also the time of year that can seem the most magical. With the world getting into the Christmas spirit, there are so many beautiful things going on. Despite my stress levels being at an all-time high and the insane amounts of overwhelmed I am, I’m choosing to look at the beautiful side of this time of year and romanticize my December.
When people think of romanticizing your life, they think of Pinterest photos and pictures showing people living a life you can only imagine. I know I feel this, and I’ll make mood boards full of cute pictures and ideas that probably aren’t going to happen anytime soon, but it’s fun to dream. When it comes to romanticizing your life, it is important to remember that the goal isn’t to make your life look like this perfect Pinterest board or Instagram influencer type of life. For most people, that’s just not realistic. Romanticizing your life is about appreciating all the small things in your life, the ones that bring you happiness and lift your spirits. This is what I’ve chosen to do.
I like to think of all the little things that make me happy and try to set aside a little bit of time throughout my week to do activities that lift my spirits and don’t require much thinking at all. Activities that are done just for the fun of it and all I need to do is show up and have fun. For me, during December, most of these are Christmas type activities because I am a huge Christmas lover, and it really lifts my spirits to think about it. For example, this week I’ll be going to the Christmas market in Downtown Kitchener, watching movies with my roommates, baking cookies, making a December mood board and reading my book. All of these activities I do for my own happiness, and they help me be the best version of myself.
Romanticizing your life is all about putting yourself in situations that make you happy and encourage you to grow as a person. These types of situations are different for every person. What makes me happy doesn’t necessarily make another person happy. It is so important to remember that you are living your life for yourself, and you should always be the main character of your own life. December is the perfect time of year to romanticize your life. It is a time of year many people find stressful and overwhelming. It’s getting dark at 4 o’clock and finals are right around the corner. It’s a lot. But there are so many beautiful things to be found in December. Those beautiful nights where you can just watch the snow fall; Christmas lights covering the houses, holiday displays in shop windows. When you look for the beauty in things and put yourself in situations designed to make you happy, you begin to romanticize your life and have the opportunity to go into 2023 with a stronger and happier version of yourself.