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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Goodbyes are hard, especially when they include the loss of pool parties and the beginning of school. Whether you love or hate summer, it has come to an end. School has begun and the leaves have prepared for autumn, so we should too. Personally, autumn is my favourite season, so I’m not too sad about summer ending. However, the cool and relaxing vibes of summer are now over. The nights when you could stay up until whenever you liked (without feeling guilty) are gone. Eating ice cream, tanning and cold drinks are some aspects I will definitely miss about summer. 

Similar to my first-ever article last year, “In My Rory Gilmore Study Era”, I mention how the fall aesthetic motivates me in school and how something about the first semester of school makes me believe that I will complete all my readings, attend every class and never be late. Now that I’m in second year, I’ve realized that it’s impossible to be the perfect student, so I take that motivation and just try my best to stay on top of things — which is more than I can say for the winter term. 

Although for some it may be difficult to say goodbye to summer, there’s a lot to look forward to in autumn. For such a short season, it makes its mark on people. Thanksgiving, Halloween, and the anticipation of Christmas lead to months of celebration and happiness. Plus, the outfit options multiply in the colder months. You no longer just have to choose between shorts and a tank top. Layering will be an option soon and we won’t have to worry about dripping in sweat by the time we reach our first class. 

One of the pros of summer is the long-lasting sun during the day, which is another thing I will miss about summer. I don’t like the feeling at 4 P.M. in the autumn and winter months when you’re coming back from class and it’s already getting dark outside. For me, this makes the days blend together and feel short. In summer, although I’m working a lot of the time, I still feel as though the days are long enough to get a lot accomplished while there’s still light outside. 

To fully embrace the new season, we must let go of the old one. So, say goodbye to freedom and hello to deadlines. The start of school isn’t all that bad. Yes, it’s stressful and overwhelming most of the time, but it also makes me feel productive. I like creating a routine and structure in my life. It’s also an added bonus to be writing for Her Campus again! If you joined any clubs this year, I’m sure you also find it exciting to meet new people and contribute to a team. I definitely missed doing this during summer. 

So yes, there are pros and cons to summer ending. However, there’s also a lot to look forward to in the coming months. It’s time to put on our fall sweaters, rewatch Gilmore Girls, and buy a chai tea latte. Let’s thank summer for our vacation, and face reality as autumn begins.

Kayla Banning

Wilfrid Laurier '27

Hi everyone!! My name is Kayla and I am a part of the writing team here at Her Campus WLU. I am very grateful for the opportunity to write on a big platform and speak to so many empowering women. Through my communications major I have discovered that I love media and I love to write, so Her Campus is a perfect fit for me! In my free time, I enjoy reading, listening to music, watching movies, and hanging out with my dog when I'm at home. I have a wide range of media that I like and am constantly watching or playing something. My all time favourite artist would have to be Lana Del Rey and a very close second are the Arctic Monkeys or Mitski. A lot of my humour stems from the show New Girl and if you see me I'll probably be drinking a Dr.Pepper. Anyways, thank you for reading Her Campus and I look forward to writing to you!