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Seven Semesters Down, One to Go: Thoughts from an Almost-Grad

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

As the fall semester comes to an end, I have been hit with the realization that in four months I will be a university graduate. It is crazy to believe that my four years at Laurier are coming to an end, as it feels like they have only just begun. I have such vivid memories from first year that when I think about them, they feel like only yesterday. With only one semester to go, it is important for me to reflect on the growth I have made over the course of my time at Laurier. When I compare the girl I was in first year to the woman that I am now, I can barely recognize my old self. While I am excited to graduate and begin the next chapter of my life, I cannot help but be sad that this one is coming to an end. These last four years have been a rollercoaster, as I have felt some of the highest highs and lowest lows of my life. From making lifelong friends and lasting memories, to struggling with anxiety and depression, as well as everything in between, this experience has been nothing short of memorable.

Like many other students, my university experience was unique as it was drastically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Coming off of the high of first and second year, we were quickly forced into isolation, an experience quite different than that of a university student from the past. Going from consistent social outings, living with roommates, in-person classes and all of the other trademark activities of university, to living at home, doing online classes and seeing nobody but my family was quite the transition. However, this break from the chaos of school gave me time to re-evaluate myself and my priorities, and a few months later I came back to school with a new outlook.

My final year has been about doing what makes me happy and creating memories that I will have forever. I care less about what others think of me and more about how I think of myself. Having three jobs this past year has taught me the value of hard work and that it is okay to say no to a night out. I love what I do, but I have also learned to love my body and treat it properly. Gone are the days of going to the bar four nights in a row and skipping class to lie in bed hungover. While I still love to go out and hang out with my friends, I now see it more as a reward than a right.

About a month ago I debated staying back for a fifth year of university, stretching my degree in order to stay one more year here at Laurier. The thought of leaving the life that I have created here was overwhelming and at the time something that I had no interest in doing. I was content in my comfort zone and unwilling to take a risk and see what is out there for me after Laurier. After a few weeks of tears, heart to hearts and some serious reflection, I decided that I needed to move on and accept that while change is scary, it is necessary. Having made the decision to graduate on time and with my friends, I am happy that I am giving myself the opportunity to continue to grow and see where life takes me.

With only a few months to go, I am busy applying to graduate programs and full-time jobs, while also planning a move across the country this upcoming summer. I am not sure if I will end up in a postgrad program or working a full-time job, but I know that whatever I decide to do I will be happy. I have a clear view of the future and I am both excited and terrified for what it will bring. My time at Laurier will forever hold a special place in my heart as it where I met some of the most incredible people in the world, had some of the best nights of my life, found a career path that I never planned on pursuing but now cannot imagine my life without and most importantly, learned more about myself than I ever knew was possible.

Emma Soden

Wilfrid Laurier '22

Emma is a 4th year English student at Wilfrid Laurier University with minors in Global Studies and Criminology. She is passionate about reading, writing and fitness. She hopes to pursue a career in journalism with a focus on sports.