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Sometimes, the Little Things Are All That Get Me Through the Day

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Life can be overwhelming, stressful and sometimes just really hard. Now that it’s getting darker earlier and colder outside, I find myself having a low mood more often. The semester is coming to an end, which means working on final projects and studying for exams, but it’s a lot to do all at once. Sometimes, it’s just too much for my mind and I struggle to motivate myself to do anything. I just freeze in a sad state. When this happens, I have to count on the little things to get me through.

I have to create or set aside time for little things throughout my day to keep it from being static and too repetitive. If I don’t do fun little things for myself, I end up just sitting around, waiting for the next thing I have to do, like go to class. I don’t want everything I do to feel forced so, in between school and doing assignments, I need something to bring me a spark of joy. Depending on how I’m feeling each day, my little things always look different. Sometimes it’s just watching a happy movie or spending some time reading. Other times it’s making brownies, colouring or having my favourite meal for dinner. If I have extra time, some of my ‘little things’ can be bigger. For example, my friends and I might take a spontaneous trip to the mall or go out for the night. These things might not seem like much, but when life gets overwhelming, they can really impact my day and help me stay level.

When I’m in a situation where I can’t do something to spark some joy, I have to look for other positives and little things to keep my mood up. Classes aren’t always my favourite thing, but I can usually find something to enjoy, whether that be the fun jokes told in class, the fun we’re having as a group or if I’m learning about something interesting. If I’m working on an assignment, maybe I like what I’m writing about or am able to find a fun challenge in something. Even with something like grocery shopping that I don’t always like but have to do, I listen to music while doing it or get myself a fun snack for later. I’m not always going to want to do everything I have to, but there are little things that can help get me through whatever it is.

Looking forward to all of these little things is what gets me through my mandatory everyday activities. Class might not be so fun but once it’s finished, I get to go home and watch my favourite TV show with a snack. It’s looking forward to the little things that make them exciting and beneficial. I know that something happy is on the other side of what I’m currently doing, which can make it easier to get through. I have to create that excitement for myself or everything would be boring and repetitive.

Not all days are the same, but on the really hard ones, little things are my best friend. They keep me going when I can’t find the motivation. They add some joy in my day when I can’t create it myself. It might not seem like it, but one small thing can be a big aspect of one’s life.

Sydney Greenwood

Wilfrid Laurier '24

I'm Sydney and this is my first year as a writer for Her Campus at WLU. I am going to write about topics related to school/academics and mental health and wellbeing. I want other women to know that what they are feeling and going through is valid and that others' can relate. I want people to find comfort in my articles and know that they are not alone. I am in my fourth year of music, concentrating in music education. I'm also working on a history minor. Outside of school and Her Campus, I enjoy baking, arts & crafts and watching true crime documentaries. As well, I love learning new things, whether it's an instrument, a fun history fact or a new hobby.