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Things to Consider When Loving a Girl Whose First Heartbreak was Her Dad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

For the girls whose first heartbreak wasn’t their first love.

The father-daughter relationship is irreplaceable. For many girls, their father is their first love. He teaches them that they deserve to be loved unconditionally, that they can trust people, and that there will always be one man in their corner. It is a girl’s father who chases the bad ones away, guards her heart, and teaches her that she is worthy of a partner who will treat her like he does.

For others, due to many different circumstances, their father is her first source of heartbreak. And while strong, independent individuals prevail from this experience, so do high expectations, what feels like permanently broken hearts, and lastly, a barrier toward love that is hard to break down. These are some things to keep in mind when falling for a girl whose father was the first to break her heart.


She is not broken.

While she may seem distant at times, and not concerned about her worth to you, she has developed her own sense of self-worth. How she feels about herself is more important to her than anyone else. Any sense of doubt or uncertainty you direct toward her is a red flag, one suggesting that she should not give 100%, or she may have her heart broken. This goes away with time, and when it does, she will show you that she was worth the effort.


If you love her, you will break down that wall.

For some people, it is a natural defence mechanism to put up a wall. It is a means of keeping the self safe from potential pain. For her, it is because she has been let down by a very influential being in her life. Her trust was shattered into a million pieces by the person who is supposed to protect her from just that. With your patience and love, she will learn to trust that you are not in her life to break her heart, and eventually these walls will come down. For now, she is protecting herself and what is best for her.


Time heals wounds.

Broken hearts don’t always stay broken. A girl whose been let down by her father has just had a rough start. While she knows not all people will do this to her, she is fearful of it happening again. She has learned to count on herself and no one else for emotional safety. So while she may seem hard to reach at times, she is there, taking into account every move you make to earn her trust and love.


When she finally falls, you will be the lucky one.

Yes, she is beyond blessed to have found someone who stuck around for her. But you are lucky because you have stuck around for someone who believes love is not to be taken for granted. You are with someone who knows the absolute worst things about being vulnerable to someone. You have found someone who doesn’t play with hearts and feelings, but makes sure she is really invested and is willing to have her heart broken again if it means being with you.  



You see, while it takes longer for these girls to invest themselves into a loving relationship, they are worth every second of the wait, and you know you have found someone who values the most important things in a relationship.


Jenna Weishar

Wilfrid Laurier

Fourth year, 20-something year old Psychology and Sociology Major at Wifrid Laurier University. Sorority Girl. Lover of Grey's Anatomy, the Bachelor/Bachelorette, and Sex and the City. Relies heavily on caffeine to get through the day, and wine at night. Follow me on Instagram: @jennaweishar and Twitter: @jennaweishar
Jenna Steadman

Wilfrid Laurier

4th year Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo ON.