I cry every time I watch Twilight. They’re not tears of sadness, disgust or pity, but rather tears of joy because it’s such a beautiful, heartfelt movie. From the heart-wrenching storyline to the Oscar-worthy acting, this film is complete perfection.
The Comedic Genius
Twilight is absolutely hilarious. There are so many elements that make it entertaining to watch. There’s the awkward chemistry, the questionable writing and the fact that Anna Kendrick from Pitch Perfect is in these movies. As a whole, there is not a single scene in this movie where I’m not laughing, and that’s what makes it so good.
The Acting Performance
The acting is immaculate. Every facial expression and nuance is so beautifully thought out. Although some may describe it as “stiff” or “bland,” I thoroughly appreciate every acting choice made in this film. Kristen Stewart’s monotonous acting choices really encapsulate the feeling of being an awkward teenager, and bring you back to your good old high school days when you had no friends because you didn’t know how to talk to anybody. With Robert Pattinson’s performance, he beautifully captured the essence of a blood-thirsty, 100-year-old vampire stuck in a high school inside a small, depressing, wet town that was named after a kitchen utensil. As for Taylor Lautner, his most common and his most valuable acting skill is taking his shirt off, which I’m not complaining about. I truly appreciate every ounce of hard work he put into making his body look so God-like.
The Iconic Quotes
There are so many utterly legendary quotes that are heard throughout the Twilight Saga. For example, “You better hold on tight spider monkey.” The fact that Robert Pattinson was able to say this line with such poise and elegance is truly mind-blowing to me. Another gem is, “You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?!” This line is delivered with such passion and conviction, and it really makes you feel for Bella in this moment. And let’s not forget the moment we find out Jacob is a werewolf, when somebody from his pack says, “I guess the wolf’s out of the bag.” This pun is more hilarious and cringey than any dad joke I’ve ever heard.
The Riveting Love Story
The love story between Bella and Edward is so moving. From that very first day in biology class to having a child together. Their relationship was so toxic, yet the perfect steamy romance for a teenage vampire film franchise. You have the love triangle, the stalking in the middle of the night and the “I can’t live without you” type of passion. It’s truly such a riveting, heartwarming love story and it makes me feel like I need to raise my standards.
If you haven’t seen Twilight, you need to go watch it right now. I think I’ve made it very clear that Twilight is indeed a masterpiece and will always remain to be the greatest teen vampire romance movie of all time.