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What’s on my TBR List this Year

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

For the past few years, I’ve given myself a target reading goal that I strive to reach by the end of the year. 2022 was 35 books, and in 2023, I reached 20 books; this year, I’m aiming to climb my way back up to 30 books. It does get difficult sometimes, though, especially when I’m stuck in a reading slump and have no motivation to pick up a new book. Hopefully, this short list helps readers like me get inspiration for their next read and broaden their current collection of books.

1. Iris Kelly Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake

This was actually the first book I read this year and it’s the last and third book in the Bright Falls series! All three books center on one main girl in a friend group–Iris Kelly, Delilah Green and Astrid Parker–who find themselves either longing for or avoiding a long-term relationship. This book is a fake dating, one night stand rom com that was filled with tension and vulnerability that hit all the spots. It’s definitely my favourite of the series though they’re all such good reads!

2. Days of Distraction by Alexandra Chang

Days of Distraction is my current read that is written by an Asian American woman (who I’m always trying to support more of) and follows the life of a young Asian American woman herself, trying to face life’s challenges in her 20s. Not a happily ever after romance but a journey of life’s ups and downs and a will to leave her current lifestyle.

3. Mary Jane by Jessica Anya Blau

This book was recommended to me a few years ago as a book that has a similar vibe to one of my all-time favourites: Daisy Jones & the Six. Now, I haven’t read it yet, but it’s supposed to follow the main character Mary Jane in her new life where she experiences first-hand the lives of a rockstar husband and his movie star wife. I’m curious to know if this will live up to the perfection that Daisy Jones was to me!

4. A Court of Thorns and Roses Series by Sarah J. Maas 

This fantasy series has been talked about all over TikTok as well as by some of my fantasy loving friends. I’m not the biggest fantasy book reader but I’d love to get into it and give this series a try, because I’ve only heard raving reviews for it so far.

5. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Little Women is just such a classic novel that I’d love to one day be able to actually read. Like fantasy, I’m not the biggest classics reader because I find the text to just be difficult to get into and understand. However, I lovethe film Little Women, so I really want to try and read it. It’s such a perfect story of the March sisters and I can just imagine myself cozy up on a rainy day reading through about their lives.

Annabelle Ly

Wilfrid Laurier '27

I'm Annabelle and I am part of this years Writing team with Her Campus at Laurier! I have always had a passion for reading and writing and when finding out about this club, I instantly knew I wanted to join the team. Aside of HC, I am in school for Laurier's International Education Studies program with hopes of continuing down the path of teaching! In my free time, I enjoy listening to music – especially Taylor Swift, playing the piano or guitar, crocheting, and reading! Otherwise you could often find me watching Gilmore Girls or Criminal Minds.