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Why You Should Cancel Your New Year’s Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

How do you stop failing at your New Year’s resolution? Don’t have one!  If you want to eat healthier, go to the gym more and finally start using that planner you bought, the way to do that is to make monthly goals, instead of yearly goals.  Goals are great, but being able to obtain a goal is even better.  This year, cancel your New Year’s resolution and have monthly goals instead, as this will lead you to be able to obtain all your goals this new year!

The following are just some of the dozens of positives that will come from making monthly goals:

1. Time Management and Completion

Having more than one New Year’s resolution is normal; therefore, time management is also important. Breaking your goals up throughout the year will allow for better time management, allowing for you to complete your long-term goals!


2. Happiness

Completing multiple goals throughout the year will make you a lot happier! Who doesn’t like completing their goals and feeling successful?

3. Sanity

Keep your sanity… don’t go crazy completing your goals all at once, you have the entire year to complete those goals.  The saying is “New year, new me” not “New year, I’ve become a super hero and can do anything now”

4. Long-term Goals

By making monthly goals throughout the new year, it can be more manageable in the later months.  You could make a goal to buy all your Christmas presents in November, so there is no shopping on Christmas Eve this year, and in July your goal could be to drink more water than fizzy drinks!

5. Fitness Goals??

One of the most common goals every year is to become healthier.  Not changing your lifestyle the proper way can lead to injuries and other problems. This again is when the 12-month goal system could come into play, as every month you can make healthy changes in your lifestyle without pushing it too far. 


Hi! I'm liv! I am a second year comm student at Laurier! I love writing, petting my dog Molly and drinking chocolate milk! To find similar content checkout my youtube channel @liv kelly
Jenna Steadman

Wilfrid Laurier

4th year Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo ON.