Hopefully, by now you have had the time to pick your Winter Study Course. If not, OOPS the deadline has passed. However, there is some good news for those of you who have forgotten and others who just got dropped from your first choice. There’s still a second chance! No of course theses classes are what’s left of the classes that haven’t been overenrolled but I’m sure you can still find one that fits. First, when choosing a course for winter study, be sure to choose one that you will enjoy (i.e a subject that doesn’t fit with your major or you won’t be able to take during the year) and a  pretty easy workload (nothing too strenuous because you have next semester to stress you out). Here are some other tips for Winter study.
1. Dorm Sightseeing and Pick Groups
Are there things at Williams that you have yet to do but really want to but school work has always gotten in the way? Well now is a perfect time to really embrace your free time.
Use this time to really catch up with friends. It may seem as if you have spent enough time with them throughout the semester, but Winter study is one of the least stressful times. THis allows you to really spend more time with your friends without worrying about homework and grades. Remember Winter Study is graded on a Pass/Fail Basis. Have a snowball fight, make smores in the oven and hot chocolate on the stove, have a movie night, go ice skating at Lansing Chapman Rink; just take a break with some of the people you really care about.
2. Williams Bucket List
You’ve probably heard about various students bragging about already having been to one of the museums around campus. You probably continue to nod and smile as if you have also been there. Well now Winter study provides you with the time to actually go and enjoy one of the three popular movies nearby. Even better, two of them are just a couple of steps away: The Clark and WCMA. Mass Moca which is a little further  in North Adams is also a great place to go.
3. Friends
Winter study is a great time to relax but it is also extremely useful to do some really effective things with your time. As you begin to figure out your pick group situation it is also pretty important to begin to think about where you all would like to live. Take some time to visit dorms and see whether you like the vibe. Winter Study is a great time to finalize your pick group, look at potential dorms, and plan out different pick group scenarios from the housing lottery.
4. Museums
Winter Study should be a time to destress. Really take this opportunity to get to know yourself a little better and the people around you. Most importantly STAY WARM!