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7 Times Girl Code Validated Our Feelings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

The ladies of Girl Code have been providing many laughs and realizations that it’s okay to be as weird and gross as we truly are. Watching this show gives many of us validation including not feeling sorry about eating that 5th piece of pizza, owning your sassy attitude, and accepting our vices. Here are 7 times the women of Girl Code made us say, “Yes! That’s me! I feel the same way!”



Miranda is currently a Winona State University senior studying mass communication with an emphasis in advertising and is also pursing a graphic design degree. In addition to being Winona State’s Campus Correspondent, she is also the president of WSU’s Advertising Federation club. When she’s not busy binge watching One Tree Hill for the umpteenth time, you can find her working on her longboards, which she creates from scratch. She is a Diet Coke addict and indie music enthusiast filled with passion and imagination. She plans to get out of chilly Minnesota to find internship opportunities after graduation.