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8 Things People Who Are Ready For Christmas In November Will Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

Tis the season for ugly Christmas sweaters, Santa Claus, and people over-reacting about how November is too early to talk about Christmas. Don’t let the scrooges of the world get you down, it’s never too early to get into the Christmas spirit! Here is a list of eight things that only people who are obsessed with Christmas will understand.


1.    Being constantly judged by your roommates for jamming to Christmas music before December.

Don’t listen to them; there is never a wrong time to listen to Mariah Carey’s ‘All I want for Christmas.’


2.    Never being able to understand why people get mad about stores having Christmas decorations up early.


3.    You are often moved to tears by the smell of a pine tree, cinnamon, or an eggnog scented candle.


4.    Having your list (and checking it twice) before Thanksgiving.


5.    Being more than ready to put your squad’s selfies into the Elf Yourself website.



6.  Having to budget an extra 20 bucks for the electric bill so you can keep your Christmas lights on and, more importantly, the Christmas spirit alive.


7.    The urge that you have been fighting all year to tackle your Christmas cookie recipes, can finally come to an end.


8.   Seeing the first snow fall, and realizing you will have to invest in a new parka. But it doesn’t matter because snow means CHRISTMAS IS COMING!


Meet Julia Arneson. She is a junior studying public relations and marketing. She loves being able to utilize her writing skills and creativity in the classroom. In her spare time you could find her sipping on Franzia with her roommates or playing with her hedgehog Jonas, named after her favorite boy band, the Jonas Brothers. Julia is always the first to lend a helping hand. She is the treasurer of a community service club on campus and strives to serve the Winona community as best as she can. Other than getting hitched to a Jonas brother; her future goals consist of working for a large public relations agency and living in New York or Chicago.
Hannah Ingebrand is a Winona State University graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations and a Psychology minor. Hannah is equal parts homebody and adventurer. She craves travel and her heart was left in Paris years ago. She is in love with love, handwritten letters and all. Hannah believes in making meaningful connections with people and embracing different cultures. Her obsession with Pinterest only fuels her love for polar bears, French bulldogs, and all things fashion.