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The Halloween Process as Told By the Sanderson Sisters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

The month of spooks is almost over, which means Halloween is only a few days away! We all know that Halloween can be busy with giving out candy, deciding which bars you and your group want to go to, and, of course, actually getting ready for Halloween.

Here to help describe the process we all go through on All Hallow’s Eve are the one and only Sanderson Sisters.


Waking up on Halloween day only to realize that you should’ve started getting prepped for your night an hour ago.


Taking time to strategically plan your bar-hopping route for the night.


Looking over your costume one last time to make sure it’s perfection.


Doing your duty and handing out candy to all the spooky lil children.


Enough with the candy – time to head downtown with your crew.


Finally, at the bar and time to have some fun.


When you spot someone with the same costume as you.


Now that you’ve had your fun, it’s time to go home and get some well-deserved sleep…


…only to wake up the next morning and do it all over again.


Well, there you have it: Halloween from the eyes of Winifred, Mary and Sarah. Now that you know what to expect on Halloween, I wish everyone a safe and spooky time!


I love exploring the outdoors, writing, whales, and have a major sweet tooth for cheesecake! Volleyball and hockey are my favorite sports to play and watch. When it comes to writing, I love it. I truly enjoy being able to write articles and stories about topics people would enjoy reading.