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Nathan Mollan ‘16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

Meet this week’s campus cutie, Nathan Mollan! This adorable hunk is from Menomonie WI, majoring in advertising and graduating this May. When he’s not busy being the captain of the cross-country team or secretary of the AdFed club, you’ll catch him hiking the bluffs with friends, obsessing over one of his favorite movies, Into the Wild, and singing his heart out in his car, like we all do. Oh and did I mention he has a mo-ped, ladies?

Name: Nathan Mollan

Age: 21 (almost 22!)

Hometown: Menomonie, WI

Major: Advertising

Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle

Involvement on Campus: Captain of the men’s cross-country team, secretary of the ADFED club and works at the WSU Children’s Center


HC (Her Campus): What is your dream job?

NM (Nathan Mollan): I would love to be a professional runner. I think it sounds great, but it’s not going to happen. But I think that would be pretty amazing!


HC: Wouldn’t that be a really tiring job?

NM: Well yeah, but just think about it, you just wake up and eat and run and sleep! I think it sounds great, just being super fit and getting free stuff from Nike and running races!


HC: Celebrity crush?

NM: Ooh… I’m going with Blake Lively. She’s perfect.

HC: Movie(s) you could watch over and over again?

NM: Definitely, Into The Wild. Ugh, it’s so good, all time favorite movie! But The Lord of the Rings movies are also great; I love them and The Dark Knight.


HC: Do you have any hidden talents?

NM: Um… well I can sing fairly well.  (Ladies, he really means ‘very’ well.)


HC: Like in the shower or in the car? Or just all over?

NM: Oh definitely in the car, I sing my heart out.


HC: Pet Peeve?

NM: I hate when people spread rumors, like gossiping and just making stuff up about other people, just being disrespectful I guess.

HC: What’s the first thing you notice in a girl?

NM: A good smile and their height, I like when girls make me feel tall.


HC: What’s your biggest turn on?

NM: Ok, one thing I really like is scalp scratches. You know, when they play with my hair, that’s pretty awesome.


HC: Describe your worst date ever?

NM: Well I guess, I went on this one date and this girl and I were hanging out and we just disagreed on a lot of things. We weren’t arguing per say, but we were just going back and forth on a lot of things. It just started out on petty things, but then it got progressively deeper and it was pretty uncomfortable.


HC: What’s some of your favorite things to do with friends in Winona?

NM: I don’t know, I just really love hiking. I really like going to the bluffs and hiking. But even on school nights, when friends come over to my apartment and hang out and just do dumb stuff that ends up being super fun.


HC: Cats or dogs?

NM: Dogs. Always dogs.


HC: What’s the best thing a girl can do to get your attention?

NM: Definitely when a girl is spontaneous and makes the first move. I think a lot of times guy’s are expected to do all the heavy lifting and make the first move but it’s nice and get’s my attention when a girl decides to.

HC: What’s a motto you live by?

NM: As corny as it sounds, I’m a big ‘Golden Rule’ guy. You know, treat others the way you want to be treated. Be nice to people, it’s not hard.


HC: Describe your perfect date?

NM: Ok, I’m not saying I use the same date routine with every girl, but I have a moped. I’ve done this before, but I like to pick people up on my moped. Then we go and do something adventurous, like go hiking, go to a lake, do a rope swing, jump off a bridge, something like that. And then, well, dinner fits in there somewhere too, outdoor dining somewhere. Then at the end of the night, maybe watch a movie. But food is a necessity, adventure is a necessity and definitely… the moped is a necessity.


HC: Do you have any cool Thanksgiving break plans?

NM: Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday by far so I love, love Thanksgiving! Just hanging out with family, eating a lot of food, running the Turkey Trot 5k and just family, food, beer, and napping is the best.


HC: Ice cream or cake?

NM: I’m not a big sweets guy, but I’ll say ice cream if I have to choose. I’m a big salty food guy, so I’d be fine with a bag of tortilla chips.


HC: What’s one thing you wish girls would stop doing?

NM: Hmm… that’s a good question. But expecting guys to know everything, because you know, girls do the whole ‘I’m fine’ thing, but really you aren’t fine. Then we ask what’s wrong and you don’t tell us, it’s frustrating.

Al Moore is a freshman at Winona State. She is a double major in Mass Communications- Transmedia and Business Management Information Systems. She is a DJ for her campus radio station as well as a student ambassador. Al is a lover of Zumba, Instagram and soft puppies. She is obsessed with all things polka dots and you'll find her in socks 24/7 and always wearing red nail polish. She is one to hashtag everything and doodle on any notebook. #WhatCanISay #ItsAl
Hannah Ingebrand is a Winona State University graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations and a Psychology minor. Hannah is equal parts homebody and adventurer. She craves travel and her heart was left in Paris years ago. She is in love with love, handwritten letters and all. Hannah believes in making meaningful connections with people and embracing different cultures. Her obsession with Pinterest only fuels her love for polar bears, French bulldogs, and all things fashion.