Most people cannot wait to get away from their families when they graduate high school and make the transition into college. Some go near, others go far, and some decide to go to the same school as their sibling.
The end of my sophomore year of college came with a surprise; my sister, an incoming freshman, decided that Winona State University was the perfect fit for her, too. While I was unsure of her decision at first, going to college with a sibling has proven to be a unique and amazing experience for the both of us.
For some people, when you enter your college years, staying in touch with siblings may become difficult as you begin different paths. Spending holidays at home just isn’t enough time to catch up. The unique thing about going to school with your sibling is that the line between being family and friends is blurred. Suddenly, you have the chance to get to know your sibling not only as an annoying brother or sister, but also as a close confidant. The bond you have the opportunity to create is stronger than just blood.
Going to school with a sibling ensures a perfect lunch date, a second closet to rummage through, a co-pilot when driving home, a therapist, and occasionally when I’m lucky, a chef to cook me dinner. Being at the same school as my sister allows me to get to know her outside of our home life. I now get to see her in more social settings and watch her mature and grow into the independent person she is clearly becoming. We don’t talk everyday or hang out every weekend, but the comfort of knowing that a little piece of home is there if you need it is such a reassuring feeling.
Even if you do not get the opportunity to go to the same university as your sibling, make sure you make the trip to visit them. As life gets busier and time passes, you will regret not spending more time with your siblings during your college years and nurturing the bond that family provides. Getting to experience the transformation from just a sibling to your best friend is a priceless relationship that will last a lifetime.