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Studying Abroad Season: 8,000 Miles From Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

Amazing Australian accents, endless supply of Tim-tams, motorcycle rides and the beach: all these things are not what I miss the most as I reside stateside in good ol’ Minnesota after spending winter term 8,000 miles away from home. What I miss the most is being able to step out of my comfort zone and do a little soul searching along the way.

Studying abroad is so much more than just partying and drinking. Sure, don’t get me wrong that’s fun and all, and it was a huge part of what we all did. But going overseas gives you the ability to really find out who you are as a person, because let’s face it, you’re in a country where no one knows a single thing about you. And to me, that’s riveting.

If you do choose to pursue studying abroad, and my god I hope you do, please remember to do some soul searching while you are becoming “cultured.” Start attending informational sessions here at school that are advertised in our WSU update e-mail. I promise you it is worth every penny. So here are some first hand tips I can offer you.




Go to a restaurant alone

Sounds a bit scary, right? Who would want to go to a restaurant alone in a foreign country? Me. Bring a book, people watch and try a new dish: when else in your life are you going to be able to do this in a foreign country?


Wake up early

If any of you know me personally, you know that sleep is my middle name. I can fall asleep in the blink of an eye. Are we watching a movie tonight? Yeah, I’m out in the first three minutes. The day we were leaving to our next destination I was up at the crack of dawn in Curl Curl, Australia gazing oceanside. Wake up and get outside. Don’t waste your trip sleeping off a hangover from the night before.


Don’t be afraid to leave the group

If you need a few hours for yourself, do it. Don’t have FOMO (fear of missing out) when your friends go off if you need some time alone. If you don’t want fish and chips for lunch that afternoon, wander off and go find something else. It is not a do or die situation to be with your travel friends every waking second.



Write. Every. Single. Day. I’m serious you guys. I am so thankful I received this piece of advice prior to studying abroad. I am so thankful I have a snippet of what my day was like on my blog (https://hannaleadstrom.wordpress.com/) because I can cherish these memories forever.


Bring a camera

This shouldn’t be my last tip because this is by far the most important one. Maybe you’re thinking, “I don’t need to purchase a camera because I’ll remember my trip.” Wrong. You are going to forget details down the road; it is inevitable. You are going to want to look back on your travel abroad photos for hours and reminisce on all the memories you made, I promise you.


So, if you are given the opportunity to study abroad please take it. Being thrown into another culture is one of the most spellbinding experiences, and I am so happy that I got to experience traveling to Australia and New Zealand during my collegiate career. It is worth every single penny.

Hanna Leadstrom is a student at Winona State University studying mass communication with an emphasis in public relations and a minor in marketing. You can often find her working out, blogging, sipping on a cup of jo and day dreaming of travel. She enjoys the little things in life and is a firm believer in a "work hard, play hard" life motto.
Meet our writer Courtney D. Jones! Courtney is a junior at Winona State University majoring in Mass Communications- Advertising. She is consistently busy juggling school, working two jobs, and on the recruitment committee for Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, so coffee is a necessity. But not just any coffee, it must be Starbucks Blonde Roast, with a dash of peppermint mocha creamer and a fourth of a packet of sugar. She has a die-hard love for all things beauty and fashion, and dreams of owning everything on her Pinterest boards one day. With her bright and bubbly personality, she loves meeting new people and sharing a good laugh. As a Chicago native, her happy place consists of drinking a cold microbrew with her favorite Giordano’s deep-dish pizza while watching her beloved Bears team.