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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

Well it’s that time again, school. Ugh. For most of us we’re thinking, “okay only 4, 3, 2, 1 years to go.” Some are thinking, “thank god, I need something to do with my life.” There are some of you thinking, “OMG, how do you not like school??” Most of you, myself included, are sitting here thinking, “woohoo it’s school, aka time to crack down, spend every minute with my friends, hopefully less time in the good ole library, and more in the lounge that Gabby’s provides us. But like stated, for those of you who just got here, congrats! Welcome to the best four years of your life! You will hear that phrase for the next year (at least) from friends and family. Those who are at sophomore or junior level, you’re getting there, you’re making friends, you’re almost 21, you’re doing it! Almost there! Seniors, here we are, we’ve spent the last four years together, kind of knowing each other, or still walking around campus thinking, “never seen you in my life, but hey.” Final year going into those classrooms, getting the lecture on the syllabus and what to expect, but also our last year here. So let’s make it the best we can, say hello to those you don’t know and eat that delicious yet so bad for you food in the Smaug!

But for right now, it’s only the beginning weeks and we should probably start to realize and recognize that Labor day is over with. Sadly, our next solid break isn’t until Thanksgiving when we eat our entire freshman 15 back.

First off, it’s the best part of the entire week, move in week and getting back together with your roommates.

The ones you’ve been longing to see and spend time with (or not) for the past four months and eager to share the next seven months with. Time to gossip, make family dinners and binge watch TV shows or get ready to go out by listening to your favorite song; my house’s favorite is Pony by Genuine.



But moving back in also means that it’s time for school… I know, it’s heart breaking, but it’s something we must do in our lives.

First off…

Dear bookstore, I know you have to, but my goodness, three books are equivalent to the spendings of spring break.

But then again, there’s always that one professor, where on the first day, you get that syllabus and on the first page it says, “REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: NONE.”

Also, thank goodness for our small campus we have here in Winona. Luckily, most of our classes have the same people in them or at least one friend you can sit next to, buddy up with and point and laugh at the kids who don’t have a partner when needed. LOL JK, thats me in my minor classes right now.

Alright, so we’re done with syllabus week and now it’s time to really start cracking down. So that means more junk food in the library, but less attempts at eating healthy snacks.

So where is your favorite study spot? Library?

Coffee Shop?

Or my favorite, attempting to go to a place where your friends are, and attempt to get everything done, but then you just know that  you’re not going to get anything done, so you just accept it.

Along with school, and trying to keep up with your best self, the gym is always somewhere everyone, I literally mean everyone between the hours of 3-6 pm, can go to blow off some steam. Do a little running, do some abs, go downstairs and listen to the really aggressive guys grunting as they stand up after squatting (providing a great view), or just go watch people because people watching is always fun! But for real the gym is like heaven, it helps you let go of so much stress. So grab your headphones, put on your tennis shoes, grab your student ID and go give yourself a little you-time!

Don’t worry, the freshman 15 that EVERY single person gains, hardly ever goes away. No matter what, just love your body, and as much as people think that everyone else cares about your body, they truly don’t. Just love your own body!

The gym is somewhere that we let go of that 6 piece chicken nugget we ate last night, or the ever-so-great breakfest that Macdon’s has granted us for every hour of the day. But just because you go to the gym and have these high expectations of working out, that doesn’t mean that you can’t eat junk food. For example, I eat at least one bag of candy a day, no joke. Junk food is your friend, healthy foods are for your mom and her ever-so-grateful cooking. So go home after class, in between class, and yes, even after a great night out and stuff your face! (Sorry, had to throw in something sentimental)

(I promise I’m almost done.)

It’s Friday night and most freshman are thinking, “yes a football game!” No babes, not yet, that’s Saturdays. P.S. Go Warriors, you sexy football men.

For real, it’s Friday night, time to do all that homework done that you inevitably wait until Sunday night at 9pm to do, when it is due at 10pm. Now it’s time to have some fun! Show those assignments that you had a great week with them but it’s time to put on your party pants and have some fun! The under 21 year old’s, a nice soda is always key for an outing, but those who are older, like Macklemore’s new song goes, “I’m heading Downtown!”

All in all with the whole roomie thing, going out thing, and even the school thing, it’s something that college is meant for, aka, the best four years of your life. So let’s get it going and start this year off great! Welcome back everyone!




Public Relations student at Winona State University. Dreams of moving down south to work in music and find the cowboy of my dreams! Love dogs more then life.
Meet our writer Courtney D. Jones! Courtney is a junior at Winona State University majoring in Mass Communications- Advertising. She is consistently busy juggling school, working two jobs, and on the recruitment committee for Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, so coffee is a necessity. But not just any coffee, it must be Starbucks Blonde Roast, with a dash of peppermint mocha creamer and a fourth of a packet of sugar. She has a die-hard love for all things beauty and fashion, and dreams of owning everything on her Pinterest boards one day. With her bright and bubbly personality, she loves meeting new people and sharing a good laugh. As a Chicago native, her happy place consists of drinking a cold microbrew with her favorite Giordano’s deep-dish pizza while watching her beloved Bears team.