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What Spring Means to College Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

For college students, spring is a big deal. Why? Because after the bitter cold winter we finally get to break out the birks, shorts, and long boards and actually enjoy the weather rather than curse the world because we can’t feel our toes. For college students, spring means hammocking, darties, shorts, beach bonfires and many more wonderful springtime things. But why? Well, let me explain.



For those of you who might not know what “darty” means, it’s a combination of the words “day” and “party” for parties that take place during the daytime. These social gatherings are truly when you know it’s springtime. When the temperature is 60 degrees everyone goes to their favorite darty locations and celebrates the weather with numerous toasts, friends, and a day filled with warmth, happiness, and bubbly goodness.


I went hammocking a few weeks ago when it was close to 70 degrees . . . literally a perfect day to not have a care in the world. This to me is one of my favorite parts about spring and summer. Why? Because it’s SO relaxing and you can hammock anywhere: around Lake Winona, somewhere in the bluffs, on campus, or under a bridge; the options are endless.

Beach bonfires

This is what I live for. Being a student at a school in a city with the nickname “Island City” you can’t help but take advantage of the natural resources given to you by the Mississippi River. Many of my friends and roommates have beach bonfires every year, and we’re never the only group of people there. Beach bonfires perfectly describe how we feel about spring because we know that when we’re able to hang out at the beach all night, summer is right around the corner.

Birks, shorts, and t-shirts

Springtime also means hanging up the parka and bringing out the shorts and sandals, which for students in Winona is a blessing. The moment the temperature reaches more than 40 degrees is when you know you’ll be seeing guys in bro tanks and girls in birks and shorts for the rest of the school year. Honestly, I look forward to this every year because then I know that there are only a few weeks left of the semester.

Robin Williams once said, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’” I think we can all relate to that. The spring season can be a short one for college students so live it up while you can!

I love exploring the outdoors, writing, whales, and have a major sweet tooth for cheesecake! Volleyball and hockey are my favorite sports to play and watch. When it comes to writing, I love it. I truly enjoy being able to write articles and stories about topics people would enjoy reading.
Meet our Campus Correspondent Mariah Mrotek! Originally from Racine, Mariah is a Mass Communication Advertising major with a Professional Writing Minor. You can usually catch Mariah loving up the cats at the local Winona Area Humane Society or getting her last minute shopping fix at Target. She is an avid writer and believer in the power of intuition. As an advocate for the Minnesota Epilepsy Foundation, she strives for change. She really enjoys the fall season and the amazing honeycrisp apples it brings. Her ideal place to vacation at is a cabin up north by the lake. Mariah hopes to continue to see and enjoy the world’s beauty after graduation as she pursues a career in Social Media Content Management or Project Management.