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Why Your Dream College Might Not Be the Best Fit for You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

If you’re like me, you need to have your life planned out ASAP. I had my whole college career figured out during my junior year of high school… or so I thought. At that point, I had been dating my boyfriend for 2 years. He was accepted to the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and like any other 17-year-old in love, I wanted to go there as well. I toured 3 schools that summer: Winona State University because it was close to UWL; University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire because, well honestly, for fun; and UWL because that’s where my boyfriend went. While in Winona, I loved it; but, West Campus was not my favorite part, and so it sort of turned me away. Eau Claire was too big and I wasn’t a fan that you had a huge uphill walk to the dorms, so that was just out of the picture; I didn’t even apply. And La Crosse? Of course, I loved everything about it. Most of the buildings were brand new, the town was alive, and I could imagine myself being there but mainly with my boyfriend, and that could’ve been a problem.


After a couple of “low” ACT scores, I received a rejection letter from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse during the fall semester of my senior year. I was devastated. My whole future plan had just been ruined because of a stupid test score. Luckily, I always have a plan B. I applied, and was accepted, to Winona State University. I wasn’t sure if I would like it because I was so set on UWL. That’s just it. I didn’t let myself believe that Winona may be a better route for me. Throughout the year, I would visit my boyfriend in college, and I started liking UWL less and less. The dorms were old, there wasn’t a lot of on-campus activity, and I realized that if the school didn’t want me, I didn’t want it. Winona was sounding better and better every time I visited him.


A few months later, I am here in Winona loving every second of it, except exams. I have figured that going to college with my boyfriend might have been a bad idea for our relationship and my friendships. I would have been so focused on him that doing my homework and meeting new people would have been a struggle. Besides, we’re only about 35 minutes from each other. It’s great!


To all the high school seniors that are still trying to figure it out, here are some things I want you to remember:


  • If you don’t get accepted to your dream school, it’s probably not where you are meant to go. There is a plan for you and usually, it’s much better.

  • If you want to go to the same school as your significant other, talk it over with each other. Ask each other what you both want out of a college experience. I wanted lifelong friends and I would’ve had a hard time finding them if I went to college with my boyfriend.

  • College is a time for figuring yourself out: if you want to go to a college with a bunch of your friends, that’s great… but if your goal is to meet new people and try new experiences, it might not be your best choice.

  • If you are so dead set on a college that you didn’t get into or aren’t sure about the one you are going to, you can always transfer after the first semester. It might not turn out the best credit-wise, but you need to think of your happiness first.

  • Lastly, don’t let your test scores define how “smart” you are. We all have things that we teach each other every day. So if you get shamed for not getting into a college because of an ACT or SAT score, you are not dumb, and you already have something that you can teach that person. Respect.


I want you all to just slow down and take a deep breath. This doesn’t have to be a very stressful time in your life. Choosing a college can be difficult but you need to go with your gut and consider whatever is in YOUR best interest. There are so many opportunities after high school. Some of your classmates will travel the world, get married, work, play sports, start a business, take care of their family, or, of course, go to college. Wherever you end up, you are supposed to be there. Whoever doesn’t want you, you don’t want them. Whether it is a college, person, team, or job, I highly believe every rejection you receive will bring you something better. In that case, I just want to give a shout out to the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse…


Thank you for rejecting me. It not only gave me some pretty great people in my life, but it showed me that not all people see your true potential and that when someone does, they are the ones that have something special over the ones who don’t.


Go Warriors!


Bailey Rye

Winona '20

Hello! I'm Bailey Rye and I am from Albert Lea, MN. I am a sophomore at Winona State, pursuing a major in business administration and a minor in management. I have been writing since the beginning of grade school and have loved it ever since. I write because I believe I have stories people can relate to and learn from. I love going on trips, watching tv series, and of course, cats. Other than that, I am just your ordinary girl trying to find her place in this big world.
| 2018-20 Club President/Campus Correspondent | Hailey Seipel is a senior at Winona State University who is studying Applied & Professional Writing and Journalism. She has been passionate about writing ever since she was little, and a dream of hers is to author poetry, sci-fi and romance novels. Until then, she is interested in working as a creative/blog writer, technical editor or project coordinator after graduating. In her free time, Hailey enjoys listening to music and reading leisurely.