If you are looking for a club to join on campus because you have too much time on your hands and you like “Doctor Who” then I have just the club for you. Kayla Wacek, a junior here at Winona State University Started a club on campus called Winona State Whovians. Wacek, a Psychology major with CAST and War, Peace and Terrorism Minors, is part of Phi Theta Chi Sorority and works at Taco John’s here in town. She has a fun, bubbly, passionate, energetic, intelligent personality and has been working hard to get more exposure for this club. I got to sit down with the president and founder of the club in order to find out more about why she decided to start the club.
HC: What exactly is “Doctor Who”?
KW: It is a really popular British Sci-Fi show. It’s been around for over 50 years and it revolves around the timelord, which is the doctor. A timelord is a rank within the planet he is from. He’s from the planet of Gallifrey. He takes companions and travels throughout time and space. The doctor and his companions save planets and people because they are living creatures.
HC: What made you start a Doctor Who club on campus?
KW: I’ve loved this show since high school and I know that other people on campus watch the show. It is good ways to meet new people as well as get people together that love the show as much as I do.
HC: What days do you meet during the week for the club?
KW: Every other Monday @ 7:30 pm in Phelps 215. You can also check out their Facebook page called Winona State Whovians. You can go and like the page and get updates for what is going on within the club.
HC: What kinds of things do you do during your club meeting?
KW: Watch episodes of the shows, watch spinoff shows, crafts, baking (there is an unofficial Doctor Who cookbook), have discussions about the show, and try to do fundraisers that help humanity and living creatures, because that is what the show is all about.
HC: Why should people join?
KW: Our aim is to be completely accepting of everybody who comes to our meetings. We want everybody to feel like they belong with us even if they don’t feel like they fit in anywhere else. We understand that college can be hard and we want to help provide a support system for students. Plus, it’s Doctor Who, it’s a great show and people who like it are pretty cool.
Seems to me this would be a pretty great club to join! If you need more information you can find her on Facebook under Kayla Wacek or email her at KWacek12@winona.edu.