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World Food Day: Striving to End World Hunger

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

October 16 is World Food Day. This day is celebrated globally as the day people step out and help end world hunger. Before I go into detail about world hunger and the ways you are able to help, here are some numbers about hunger that are quite astonishing:


· The Global Hunger Relief foundation provided 8.6 million meals in 2016. This helped 609,603 people.

· 842 million people suffer from hunger worldwide; 98 percent of the people suffering live in developing countries.

· 60 percent of those who are hungry are women.

· Approximately 3.1 million children die of hunger each year.


Even though the number of undernourished people has dropped by 20 percent since 1992, there are still millions of people who do not have enough to eat. Here are a few ways you are able to help end world hunger.


Feed My Starving Children

This organization is my favorite place to volunteer at, and it is probably the most well-known hunger relief organization. Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a non-profit organization that provides nutritionally complete meals that are specifically formulated for malnourished children around the world. At FMSC, you are able to go and volunteer two hours of your time to help make the meals needy children will be eating. At the end of your volunteer time, you and the others go into the warehouse area to learn about how many meals you packed and how many children will be fed because of your hard work. Volunteering at FMSC is one of the most rewarding things I have done and I highly recommend visiting the FMSC nearest you.


Donating food is another great way you are able to help men, women, and children who are hungry. Many food shelves, churches, and local organizations accept non-perishable food items that not only go toward local people, but also those all around the world who are in need of food. Many times clubs and organizations on campus will do food drives as well; donating your extra food not only goes toward a good cause, but it’s a much better way to get rid of your food than throwing it all away.


Volunteering might seem like a no-brainer when it comes to helping those who are hungry, but not many people know where they can go to do it. One way to volunteer and help end hunger is by going to Feed My Starving Children, as I stated above. Another way is by going on mission trips. Volunteering your time to help others is so rewarding, and you don’t have to leave the area if you don’t want to. If you’re not able to travel to impoverished countries, there are opportunities in your area where you are able to help those who are hungry. Soup kitchens are another way that you can help people in your community who are hungry.


One-third of the food you buy goes to waste. Instead of throwing stuff away, donate your non-perishables to your local food shelf, volunteer when you can, and don’t take what you have for granted. For more information about world hunger and what you can do to help, visit the links below.


For more information visit these websites:





I love exploring the outdoors, writing, whales, and have a major sweet tooth for cheesecake! Volleyball and hockey are my favorite sports to play and watch. When it comes to writing, I love it. I truly enjoy being able to write articles and stories about topics people would enjoy reading.