Meet Flora, a 33 year old elephant, retired from the circus who currently resides at The Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee. She was born in Zimbabwe, Africa and was orphaned at the age of two after a mass killing of her family. She was adopted and then involved in circuses and performing arts for 18 years of her life. She then moved to The Elephant Sanctuary in March of 2004.
The Department of Theatre & Dance (THAD) at WSU will present “Elephant’s Graveyard” by George Brandt at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 14th through Saturday, October 17th in the Vivian Fusillo Theatre located on the Winona State University Campus at the Performing Arts Center.
Brett Burger, the Department of Theatre & Dance Marketing Coordinator and Production’s Dramaturg, had the wild idea of adopting an elephant, and well, that idea became reality soon after. “This is the first time our department has taken the show past production,” said Burger. “We are taking the concept of the production and bringing national awareness to the WSU community by adopting Flora from Tennessee.”
Based on a true story, “Elephant’s Graveyard” features the struggles of a traveling circus that is outraged by the acts of an elephant. The production takes place in Erwin, Tennessee in 1916. “This award-winning play explores society’s humanness and abuse towards animals and the consequences of both,” according to Senior Brett Burger.
This is the first time in WSU history that a department is adopting such a sacred animal. With your help, you could enhance Flora’s life at the nation’s largest natural habitat refuge.
The department will accept donations before and after the show. If you would like to make a donation yourself, please feel free to contact Brett Burger.