As school starts and summer ends, it feels like the whole world is anticipating what is arguably the best season ever: fall. The crisp air, the funky Halloween parties, and the approach of Christmas has everyone excited! However, some of us are a little more excited than others.
Here are 10 things that only fall crazed people will understand!
1. You have to force yourself not to pull out your massive sweater wardrobe on any day that’s under 90 degrees.
2. The day that Pumpkin Spice lattes come back at Starbucks is a day of rejoice.
3. You start prepping for Halloween as soon as it’s Septmeber 1st and everyone thinks you’re crazy…
4. …and you happen to mention Christmas, just ONCE and you get this look from everyone.
5. When it’s still hot mid-Septmeber and you start to get sick of your summer wardrobe because all you want is to wear a sweater or a scarf.
6. When you buy and carve pumpkins way too early even though everyone keeps telling you that they are going to rot way before Halloween…but who cares, right?!
7. When you find friends who are just as excited as you are.
8. When you overhear someone say ‘Why are people drinking PSL and decorating for Halloween? It’s WAY too early!’
9. When someone asks you why you’re so obsessed with fall.
10. When you decide to ignore the haters and celebrate the new season on your own terms.
Happy fall Collegiettes!!!