Let’s admit it. We weren’t exactly thrilled when our parents decided to get Facebook accounts. We were even less thrilled when they sent friend requests to us. While we may have wanted to ignore or delete their friend request, we knew sooner of later they would force us to accept them as our friend.
If your parents aren’t on Facebook, consider yourself lucky.
Here are 11 things that happen when your parents are on Facebook.
1. They feel the need to like and/or comment on nearly, if not all of your statuses.
2. They overdo it on the emoticons and emojis.
3. They ask you a million questions on how Facebook works, and then a million more.
4. They use Facebook to talk to you instead of just texting or calling you.
5. They ask you questions on Facebook instead of using Google.
6. They think it’s ok to share embarrassing baby pictures of you on their feed.
7. They won’t understand text acronyms and will use them inappropriately.
8. They link and share the strangest things.
9. They create plenty of TMI moments.
10. They use all caps in their messages.
11. But you can always count on them to comment with the best inspirational messages…sometimes…
As embarrassing as they might be sometimes, they are our parents and we love them. At least they give us a good chuckle!
Happy Facebooking, Collegiettes!