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15 Things Every College Student Is Thankful For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

As the holidays approach and Thanksgiving is right around the corner, it got me thinking about the little things that I didn’t really notice before. Little do you know there are many little things that you take for granted, until you start being on your own.



Most people think they appreciate sleep, but you honestly don’t realize how much you love it until you have 4 tests, an essay, and three online assignments due in one week, plus class, club meetings, work, and of course food!  Sooner rather than later you become so tired that all you can think about is sleep and how much you miss. And when you get it you wake up realizing, wow, I am so thankful for this.



Home Cooked Food

Fried food, going out to eat, and mystery cafeteria food can only be so good for a while. Sooner or later the watery soup with jalepeños gets old, and you realize exactly how much you appreciate the food you get at home and cannot wait to get back to it.


Your Own Bed

Does anything need to be said? Springy mattresses in stuffy rooms or your bed at home. You pick.


Free Stuff

Free is better. We’re all broke college students trying to get by everyday and could always use some help



Because we could all use some more


Good Friends

Whether it’s boy trouble, late night food runs, random jam seshes or just hanging out, we can all use good friends to be there for you and help you out of trouble. Or make you do something crazy…


Canceled Classes

Nothing makes us so thankful than an email saying class is canceled. More than likely it means that we have time to take another nap, grab something good to eat, or just watch some Netflix. Thank you prof. 



Believe it or not, your family is always there for you. Whether it be advice from mom, car help from dad, or having your sister to vent to, you don’t realize how much you’ll miss them til they’re with you everyday. And even if they don’t give you money when you ask, trust me, they still love you.


Getting a notification to go to the post office is like opening presents on Christmas Day. Letters from Grandma and care packages are always much needed and appreciated to help finish out a rough week.


Your Independence

On days when all your friends are busy, you’ll be glad you’re able to go to the cafeteria and eat by yourself, or go shopping alone, because sometimes me time is just really needed. 




Because without this wonderful invention how else would we stay up til 4 in the morning the night before a paper is due, or pull all-nighters during finals week.



This lovely cold white stuff not only is pretty to look at and means hot coffee and sitting by the fire, but also means cancelled class, napping all day, and of course cute pictures!



Without Netflix, how else would we get through the day. Because ya know, I’ll start my homework after I watch an episode. 


Your Own Bathroom

That moment when you really need to shower and you walk in to find all the showers full makes you really appreciate having your own. On top of that, who likes shower shoes?

New Experiences

Because how else will you try new things both good and bad and create new memories that will last a lifetime!


I aspire to be like Audrey Hepburn and Elle Woods, classy and fabulous
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.