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18 Thoughts We Have Before Starting Senior Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Only a few short weeks until we are officially seniors in college. When did that happen? How did that happen? It seems like just yesterday that we were starting our freshman year. We had just moved in to our dorms, we were eager to start college life and we were so excited at the bright future we had ahead of us.

Now, with senior year just around the corner, we’ve got a lot going on. Our minds are racing and we can’t turn it off.  

Here are 20 thoughts we are having before starting senior year!

1. When did I get so old?
2. When did I become an adult?
3. What am I going to do with my life?
4. Where am I going to live?
5. What if I fail one of my classes and can’t graduate?
6. What happens when I do graduate?
7. What if I don’t like my job or what if I get a job that I have to tell myself I love to get through the day?
8. How am I going to afford being on my own?
9. Am I going to be able to be on my own?
10. What if I get lonely?
11. Maybe I’ll get a cat. Or…maybe I’ll geta dog…I don’t want to be a crazy cat lady.
12. My life is ticking away and I don’t know what to do.
13. What if I hate my boss?
14. Now I have to spend a ton of money on business attire so that I look good.
15. Ok, I can do this.
16. So many dreams about graduation…
17. Time to push through.

So, get ready class of 2017…this is our year!

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.