Your college years are some of the best and worst times of your life. As great as it may be, there will be moments when it feels like no one understands what you’re going through. Thankfully, we have the brilliant characters from Gilmore Girls to help us cope. Here are 38 times that the Gilmore girls really got college right.
1. Trying to finish your homework and not die from sleep deprivation.
2. Late night pizza.
3. Managing to type two sentences of your research paper.
4. Having to study for multiple tests in one night.
5. The 2016 presidential election.
6. Rationalizing why you chose sleep over finishing your homework.
7. Having to kill your own bugs now.
8. Looking in the mirror and realizing that the freshman 15 is a real thing.
9. Trying to relax, but realizing you have three tests, two projects, and a quiz this week.
10. Waiting for your pizza to show up.
11. Needing to do laundry, but never having time.
12. Answering a question horribly wrong in class.
13. The morning after a night out.
14. Choosing your Halloween costume.
15. Trying your best to do well in class, but life happens.
16. Dating in college.
17. Looking tragic in class and like Beyonce on the weekend.
18. Coming home to find your roommate has trashed your house.
19. Thursday nights are for chips, salsa, and margs.
20. Coming home from a long day of classes.
21. Midterms.
22. Coping with never sleeping again.
23. Trying to decide what to wear out on the weekend.
24. When they bring therapy dogs to campus.
25. When your professor goes over in time during lecture.
26. Giving yourself a pep talk before casually starting a conversation with your crush.
27. Hating your roommate.
28. Looking homeless during finals week.
29. Group projects.
30. Being so busy, you literally don’t have time to even shower.
31. Morning classes.
32. Finding that person who hates your 8:00 a.m. as much as you do.
33. Pulling a ten page research paper out of thin air the night before it is due.
34. The abundance of tears.
36. Deciding whether or not to watch the next episode on Netflix.
37. When you have to take an L for the entire day and it’s not even lunch yet.
38. The internal struggle when deciding if you are going to attend class that day or not.
College is hard now, but it will all be worth it when you walk across that graduation stage.
Hang in there collegiettes!