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5 Apps You NEED to Download as a Content Creator

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

As we all know, social media is such a prevalent source of information nowadays. There are multiple ways to become content creators and many ways to enhance your social media accounts. As the marketing intern for Winthrop Dining, I know of a few good apps that could change your game. When getting into content creation, it’s essential to stay true to yourself and stick with that! These are five apps you NEED to download when getting into content creation. 

  1. UnUm 

UnUm is content creation, social media feed, and image editing app. With this app, you can truly plan out your Instagram feed. UnUm allows you to make colleges and freely move your feed around without committing to posting a picture directly to your feed. I love this app because it will enable you to connect your Instagram and then app multiple accounts, like my personal Instagram and work page. You guys should download this app and watch your feed become snatched.


DSTU is an app offered by UNUM but catered towards Instagram stories. This app is perfect for those fall days you want to look aesthetic. The app offers many different templates for your story to match your theme or intended style. You can add text to the story also and can sync it directly to your Instagram account. This app is amazing when you have a product you want to show off and spice it up from the basic Instagram features. 

Celina Timmerman-Girl Taking Selfie
Celina Timmerman / Her Campus

3. Tezza

The Tezza app is designed to make your pictures and videos pop with a touch of color. The app offers preset and filters to give you the aesthetic you desire. Tezza gives your templates and ideas to get a unique vibe to your pictures. If you’re ready to spice up your photos, then download Tezza now!

4.Inshot app 

Inshot is an editing app for your videos and pictures. You can make any regular video a little more fun by adding a slow-motion effect, stop, or reverse and many more. If you like to create vlog-style videos, then this is the app for you. Inshot allows you to make collage-style videos. If you’re a vlogger or TikToker, then you will fall in love with this app.


 Retouch is THE APP! This app allows you to edit your pictures but not by filters… it lets you take away unwanted objects or touch up anything on your picture. I remember I took this bomb picture, but the bomb beside me was the outlet- and I was not about to post this picture with the apple charger hanging from the outlet. I added my image into the app, and then the object removed it, and it looked good as new! Download retouch to touch up your photos, ladies!

I hope this article sent you guys straight to the App Store! All my content creators in the upcoming, I hope these five apps will enrich your feeds and stories. Speaking of, follow my IG: @jasminesimonew. I cannot wait to see all your beautiful creations on my feed! 

XoXo, Jas

Hello, my name is Jasmine Williams. I am currently a sophomore and I'm majoring in Mass Communication. Other than being on the HC team, I also have a blog and YouTube channel. I'm a Marketing Intern to Winthrop Dining and on the promotions team for Winthrop DSU! I enjoy listening to podcasts and drinking iced coffee.